Friday, August 3, 2012

Hearing Aids

You know what is one of the cutest, most funny things to watch? Two male senior citizens with hearing problems having a conversation. You almost need to insert earplugs to cut down the noise level.

That was the scene this evening before supper with my Grampa Pa and his younger brother. Between the two of them, they easily drowned out the women. Good thing the three of us can hear just fine! After we ate they moved into the room I'm in now, which is smaller and the sound doesn't bounce around. I popped in for a visit and we had a conversation about just that. And here I thought they were going in the other room to talk about girls! HAHA

I actually have one ear that hears better than the other. I first noticed it when I started working in a call centre in 2003. My right ear was favoured over the left. If I switched my headset to the other side, I was way more distracted by the things I could still hear out of my "good" ear. To this day, I prefer to listen to phone calls through my right ear.

As far as the mature young men go, I'm just glad that hearing aids have come a LONG way from this. Now they are hidden discreetly and can pick up even the tiniest sound. Just think, without those aids, they would literally be yelling at each other.

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