Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sudden Death

My co-worker's eldest brother passed away yesterday. He was not even 40 years old, and just recently-married. It was a sudden, unexpected illness that claimed his life. I didn't know him personally, but when a tragedy affects someone you work with forty hours per week, you do feel deeply sorry for them.

Although I'll be stressed out this (short!) week now that I'm without my "buddy", and have other extra tasks to complete, I have to remember that this is no fault of hers. I completely respect that she will need time to grieve, and need to accept that I will need to ask my other co-workers for some help. So far they've been really good; I just need to ASK.

"N", I'm so sorry for your loss and am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. May "R" rest in peace.

I'll be saying my Serenity Prayer a lot in these next few days, that's for sure...

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