Friday, August 31, 2012

An Awesome Friday

Ten Reasons Why Today Is Awesome

  1. It's pay day (who doesn't love that?)
  2. It's Friday (weekend!)
  3. It's the last day of the month... time to change my date stamp and move on to September!
  4. It's the last day without my co-worker (she's back on Tuesday!)
  5. All our work is done (the slate is clean for next week)
  6. The groceries have been bought (I don't have to think about it again for a week)
  7. My house doesn't need to be cleaned (it's clean enough for now!)
  8. I get to sleep in for three days straight (Yay for long weekends!)
  9. I get to go shopping (almost 100% for personal therapeutic reasons)
  10. The only engagement booked is a super fun one tomorrow night (a friend's housewarming party!)
I hope your day is even half as awesome as mine. Have a great Labour Day long weekend! (Go Bombers!)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Weeknights with Casey

Paul went out this evening on a job with his buddy. That's pretty exciting. It's the first one that he's doing as a sub, and getting paid what he's worth -- finally. I'm really happy about the work, especially because he's doing it with someone he gets along great with. I'm not as happy with him being out after dinner, however.

I may have commented about this in a prior blog. My difficulty comes with Casey. I love that dog so, so much, but she can be so very annoying and will test my patience. Paul is great with her during the week; I spend time with her on the weekend. With him not around in the evening, I have to make sure she gets played with and cater to her scratching on the back door, even if it's just because she heard something interesting outside.

I know, kids are way more work, but for now, this is what I've got and the routine has become such that I don't have to worry about Casey Monday to Friday. If Paul's out working, the routine will simply change and we'll get used to something new. He was at least kind enough to take her out twice before leaving, so I'm pretty sure she'll get tired out for a while. That gives me time to blog, have dinner, and enjoy my Thursday night television (aka "do nothing night").

Once things get more regular around here, we'll all forget that it was ever different. Until then, I may be a little tired and frustrated!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Completed Confusion

Only 900+ pages later, I finally finished A Feast for Crows, the fourth book in the George R. R. Martin series "A Song of Ice and Fire". For the first time, I was quite disappointed with the ending. As with the other books, it's supposed to leave you hanging, itching to start the next one, but this one just left me confused.

Thank goodness for Google (I <3 900="900" a="a" about.="about." about="about" after="after" all="all" and="and" apparently="apparently" at="at" beginning="beginning" book.="book." book="book" by="by" chapter="chapter" character="character" circle="circle" clear.="clear." clicked="clicked" come="come" completely="completely" delightful="delightful" dude="dude" each="each" end.="end." everything="everything" forgotten="forgotten" full="full" g="g" have="have" i="i" is="is" it="it" just="just" last="last" later="later" least="least" likes="likes" link="link" ll="ll" make="make" makes="makes" martin="martin" me="me" mr.="mr." need="need" no="no" now="now" of="of" off="off" on="on" p="p" pages="pages" paragraph="paragraph" particular="particular" prologue="prologue" quite="quite" re-read="re-read" reading="reading" regarding="regarding" remind="remind" results.="results." s="s" search="search" second="second" see="see" sense="sense" six="six" start="start" teaser="teaser" that="that" the="the" those="those" to="to" understand="understand" ve="ve" was="was" weeks="weeks" well="well" what="what" will="will" with="with" you="you">
When I'm done figuring out how the book ends, I have to go out and buy book five, A Dance With Dragons. Unfortunately, it's only available in hardcover right now. At least my co-worker, who is going to start reading the series and prefers the hardcover version, said he'll buy it off me. Next March I'll be able to get the paperback and add it to my collection.

 I just hope that book five doesn't leave me completely hanging at the end like this one did. I know there's more coming (the author is this crazy imaginative writer who has so many stories to tell that I see the series going on until he dies) but am concerned I'll not be able to be patient. I guess I'll need to find another fun series to read about if that happens! Or, better idea, I could read some of the books in my already-large collection... ha.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Parental Pick-Me-Up

My mother is so sweet. I had a pretty frustrating day and just wanted to come home, lay on the couch, and stuff my face with tasty delights. She perked me up though, when I found a lovely piece of mail in the box from her. Actually, it was quite a large piece of mail, not just a letter. Here's what it looked like:

Cute, right? I sure thought so. I love the animal stickers, and the random pieces of scrapbook paper. I also immediately noticed the Montreal Canadiens stamp! Did you see the sweet little poem on the back too? And the flower stamps! It was quite special to receive, that's for sure.

I got a few little goodies, like notepaper and a food magazine. Paul even got a few mind puzzles (perfect!). Mom even wrote me a note on bright pink paper. Love it! To say thank you, I'm sharing a recipe from the magazine that totally made me think of her: Watermelon Soda Float. Maybe she'll even make it for me sometime! :)

Thanks for the pick-me-up, momma :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Life's Newest Chapter

Well my spouse is now a business owner. That's funny. He never thought he'd be one, but I thought I would. Huh. How do ya like them apples?

We still have a few things to take care of to ensure he's covered by WCB and can professionally manage the business if he gets any jobs, but the first hurdles are over. The hardest part was convincing him that it's a great idea to have a name registered to legally do his own sub-contracting on the side. He finally picked a name as well -- Gemini Contracting -- so I'm happy we can move on.

He hasn't talked to anyone about getting jobs yet, but his construction buddy just happened to call him up this afternoon regarding some potential opportunities, both for new employment and for sub work on the side. I really don't care what he's doing, as long as he's happy, it's legal, and it makes us some money so we can do the things we want without having the debt.

I guess since Paul's the owner, I'll just be his "Administrative Coordinator". That's about the fanciest name I can think of for a secretary, but I'll likely be much more than that. Consider me part owner/manager/controller. I'm the one with the business diploma and experience! Can you tell I'm a tad jealous? Hmm.

Either way, I'm super happy he's decided to take this next step in his life and start out a new chapter. If you don't make the decision, life will just keep on going as-is forever, and that's simply too boring and meaningless. I'm looking forward to what's next for us both!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chef du Jour

Food sure can get boring after a while if you only eat the same old stuff all the time. I do try to make a nice meal that's different than normal at least once per week. It usually occurs on Saturday or Sunday evening.

I came across an interesting recipe for Chef Boyardee Ravioli Casserole. It not only looked tasty, but figured Paul would enjoy it. That and it had been a while since I made something Itailian-ish that I would eat with Paul. What better way to enjoy a loaf of garlic bread anyway?! I didn't take a picture but it turned out quite, let's say, interesting. I personally thought it tasted really good, but it sure didn't look it. It turned out quite soupy, and with the Ricotta cheese, looked a tad unappetizing (something like barf, maybe). I still think it was good and have some leftovers for later in the week.

When I was out at the grocery store today, I thought it might be a good idea to redeem myself with Paul and make him a good old fashioned steak and potato dinner. For me, I bought a nice, fresh Atlantic salmon fillet. Well, Paul said he quite enjoyed his meal, which is good, but look at how mine turned out:

Not bad, eh? The salmon was marinated in a red pepper glaze and barbecued. Underneath is quinoa with chives and more of the red pepper glaze to keep it moist. The beets were just boiled, sans seasoning, and tasted perfect. The salad is coleslaw with bean sprouts, chives, and fresh mushrooms. The dressing is just olive oil, vinegar, honey mustard, and a dash each of salt, pepper, and white sugar.

The first thing I said after taking this picture was that "I could totally make this for mom and dad and they'd like it!". That's funny. I guess they're the only ones I ever make gourmet meals for!

Although I really enjoy making these special meals, I couldn't do it all the time. It's fun, but a lot of work, and I like to have it for a treat. I can be creative when coming up with new ideas, but usually can't share them with my spouse due to his pickiness. There was not only item on my plate tonight that he would have eaten. Enough said.

I guess if you want to enjoy these tasty items with me, you'll just have to come for a visit and ask me to cook "something new" :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cat Scratch Connundrum

My cats like to scratch things that aren't for scratching. They know how to use the post (a carpeted cylinder with holes they can physically fit inside) but choose not to use it most of the time. Granted, they do use it when prompted, but only because I basically force them to. It looks sorta like this, but less fancy:

We've tried an emery cat scratcher. All they ever did was sit on it. Now it sits in the basement collecting dust. (Note to self: give it to Value Village the next time I'm by...)

We've also tried a sisal scratcher that hangs from a doorknob. They either don't like sisal or don't like scratching on that part of the door.

Since Paul installed new doors upstairs, Buster has taken to scratching the new frame in one particular spot. I actually found some feline fingernails lodged in the scratch marks. Missy prefers carpet. Since the only "carpet" on the main floor consists of an area rug in my office, she scratches it. The both used to go at the rug in the living room, however I found that Casey was peeing on it when we weren't looking... Both cats have also scratched the arms of our new vinyl sectional sofa in the basement, as well as the backs of our other furniture. So frustrating.

Something that we discovered though is that Buster enjoys scratching at the foam mats that Casey's crate sits on. Luckily for him, I don't actually mind as they are cheap and very replaceable.
So, after I had this epiphany (that I could get him to stop scratching my door frame), I placed one in my office in the same area that Missy scratches the rug. They both went at it within a half hour so I would say it's a success. Much better than all those other places that I hate them messing with!

Friday, August 24, 2012

TGIF: Happy Hour (s)

The week may have gone by fairly quickly, but any Monday to Friday employee is quite happy to leave work at 4:30 for the weekend. I was no exception to this. My newest co-worker, whom I referred to in a prior post, and I planned to go out for Happy Hour and were looking forward to catching up.

Beer Bros. was busy as it usually is, but we found a comfortable spot and were able to enjoy some great food and drinks. I even tried cider for the first time and decided it is quite good! It was nice to talk openly about work and the people we work with and all sorts of other things. I sure don't get out much, so I have to do that more often.

The funnest (?) part of the night was when we parted ways to go home. Since I was literally steps away from the bus stop, and the ride was only 15-20 minutes home, I'd told Paul not to worry about picking me up. As it happens, the bus was ready and waiting for me. What I didn't know, however, is that the evening ride takes on stops from another route as well. My 20 minute ride became 45 after a scenic tour of Uplands. Please, laugh about this, because I have to to avoid begin angry about it. I mean, I could have been home in so much less time if I'd just gotten off at a particular stop that was a ten minute walk home. I thought to myself, "no, what if I get jumped or something, let's just wait to see where this bus goes". Well, it did end up going down the street I'd hoped, just in a very roundabout way. This is reminding me of my last bus adventure in the south end...

All-in-all though, I had a really great Friday evening. Cider, appetizers, good conversation, and fresh air, followed by a heartfelt "welcome home" by Miss Casey J. Dog Nairn :) I look forward to the next time!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Fast Two Years

I completely forgot that today marks my two year anniversary with Viterra. That has got to be the fastest two years of my life yet. Although it was quick, when I think about it, I definitely have learned two years of information: my brain seems to be bursting some days!

If you read my blog regularly, you know that I've had my struggles. Overall, however, the experience has been much more positive than negative. I'm still so very happy that they gave me the opportunity to show them what I had to offer. Sure, I still want more and hope to get it, but I appreciate the chance I've been given.

Some days I just want to bang my head on the wall, or throw my computer at the wall, or push people against at the wall... but from all those moments, I just learn something new. Every day offers a chance to start new, and to learn from mistakes made the day before.

I'm sure you'll be hearing more about my job soon, as long as the big deal gets finalized before the end of the year. Then I hope you'll hear some good news for me personally! Who knows?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More Weight Loss Success

My "Regina momma" reached her goal weight at TOPS tonight. It was such a relief, mostly for her of course, but also for the rest of her chapter-mates who have been rooting her on since she began her journey nearly five years ago in the fall of 2007.

I imagine it helps having a spouse that's also in our group, and a daughter that is a trainer. I know that TOPS itself helped her the most, as it helped (and continues to help) me. She lost almost double the weight I lost, and she looks fantastic. I honestly can't even believe that it's really her in the old pictures I see. She's not a big lady to start with, so add about 80 extra pounds and she really becomes a different person.

I'm so very proud of "S" for finally reaching her goal. I know it was a tough journey, and will continue to be. It's always so great to welcome a new member into our KOPS "circle". Congratulations, and keep up the great work! You are an inspiration to all!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Grass Fire

While eating our dinner just a little while ago, suddenly all the power went out. It freaked me out, that's for sure, because we don't have central air and therefore rely heavily on the power being on to turn the fans that move around our air. I promptly called the outage line and was told about a nearby grass fire. Apparently they had to cut a few lines and didn't have an estimated time that we'd have power again. The only thing we could do was open up the screen door and pray our lights would turn back on again soon.

Not two minutes later, they did. Thank you God for that! Here's a picture of what we can see from our house:

A lady I know that lives a few blocks closer said she could see actual flames. Our next door neighbour said they were higher than the gas station next to the area with the fire. Freaky! Now I can see why all the sirens were a-ringing as fire trucks and police cars headed in that direction as I was cooking dinner. Hopefully they can get it under control. I'd hate for some disaster to happen, like the gas station to blow up or something crazy like that. It's a Co-Op, I like it there!

Paul actually just came up to tell me it was on the news, so I checked it out. I also found a picture online (left). The flames ARE quite big and they're hoping it doesn't spread to the Co-Op lumber yard. I also hope the power continues working tonight. I appreciate SaskPower for re-routing us very quickly. We've only had an outage one other time, at the beginning of last summer, and it was brutal.

Monday, August 20, 2012

...and Back to Work

It's hard to go back to work after any weekend. This one was no different. Sure, we had an extra day off, but it would have been great to just relax a little longer before getting back into the grind.

My co-worker had returned to work this past Friday. Obviously I missed that because I was camping, but I saw her today. She seemed to be in pretty good spirits, and was admittedly absent-minded at times due to her head "still not entirely being there". That was no surprise, and she actually  did a better job than I had expected. I definitely am glad to have her back for a few days. Then she goes on some planned holidays until after the September long weekend. Lucky ducky.

I didn't actually have that bad a day; it would still be nicer to enjoy another day off though! As per usual, we're in a "holding pattern" until Legal Day One is announced. No one knows for sure, just the head haunchos, and they're not letting any details out. I do believe we're still waiting to hear from China, however, so let's hope they just say "okay" soon.

I'll be pretty busy again in a few days, then it will be non-stop until the middle of next week. I'm okay with that, as long as I keep my stress levels in check, and watch my attitude. Patience is also key, and I'll have to remember to be kind and listen well. I'm still happy with my job, so at least the stress ebbs away and I still want to go back the next day.

If only I could get that permanent promotion...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back Home From Camping

This morning we rose with the sound of crows (as per usual around there, I guess), had some breakfast, and packed up our site. It didn't actually take very long, so we left by 10:00 am. The ride home was uneventful, but it did take a little longer than planned due to backed up traffic and an inability to pass.

Casey was very happy to see us, and very dirty. I've bathed her since we got home and she not only smells better, her fur isn't gross anymore. I don't know why she always gets so dirty at that kennel! At least she enjoyed herself.

The cats are also happy we're home, being their typical annoying selves, especially when I try to type out my blog... thanks, Buster.

Here's the link to my Facebook album so you can check out our weekend happenings. The site was pretty nice, and the weather was almost perfect (a tad warmer would have made it great). We definitely learned some things, like items we need next time, and others we don't. It was nice for us to just get away and not fight and not have animals to take care of and to not have to worry about what to do. Being bored was the best part of the weekend and we fully enjoyed it.

Picture link: We Went Camping: August 2012 Edition

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Camping Day Two

My day started off with having to wait for the cleaning crew to finish up their job in the "good bathrooms". When I finally got in, the shower sucked, but at least I could rinse off. I wasn't worried about my hair as we were just camping after all.

We ate a nice breakfast of farmer's sausage, eggs and fruit, and just hung around the site for a while. I wanted to go for a hike, so we sought out the trail. It turns out high water levels have basically demolished the trail, so we didn't get very far until having to turn back. We found another trail, but it had the same problems. And there was some crazy freaky stinging nettle patch that I was worried about! At least we got out for a bit of walking. Otherwise we just drove around the camp in the morning, checking out the other sites. We discussed getting a small camper for ourselves in the future, nothing big, and coming out there again.

After lunch we decided to try out a canoe ride. It was cheap, and there wasn't much breeze to speak of, so we hopped in a canoe and set out. I thought we were gone for at least 45 minutes when we got back, but it turned out to be only half an hour. I was pooped by then! Oh well, it was half as cheap after all :)

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and playing with the fire pit. Paul also had a nap and I was able to get in some quality reading time. It was a pretty good day, even with our noisy neighbours.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Camping Day One

It sure is nice to take an extra day off work to get an unscheduled long weekend. We rose bright and early to get the rest of our stuff packed up for our camping weekend. Casey was dropped off at the kennel, we filled up the car with gas, and went on our way. It was a really nice drive up to Duck Mountain, even the part where Australian GPS lady figured we should take the "scenic route". I'm really not sure why, because it looked longer on the map, and was on poorer roads. Either way, I enjoyed that part of the drive.

The afternoon sun wasn't very hot, as it's been cold around these parts lately. At least it was sunny! Paul got the tent all set up, and I did the rest. We only had one set of neighbours to speak of that afternoon, which was nice. We definitely enjoyed the peace and quiet and serenity of nature.

That only lasted until dusk, when a big truck pulling a camper and a boat pulled up next to our site. Booooooo! They had kids, and were very noisy. Carol (the wife) had quite the annoying voice, and the whole evening she wouldn't shut up. We went to bed, but the noise continued and I had a rough night. It didn't help that I was very cold, even with the layers of clothing and blankets. The day just wasn't warm enough at its peak to heat up the tent for the night.

Either way, we sure were glad to roast some hot dogs on the fire, to nosh on some waffle cones for a treat, and to just spend some time together in the quiet, sans pets. We definitely could do more of that.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Anniversary Campers

Guess who's going camping tomorrow? Me and Paul, that's who! I've done it before, I can do it again. In fact, this time will probably be much easier than the last. Since it's our anniversary weekend and we haven't been able to get away yet this summer, it will be nice to just leave the city behind and head out to the middle of nowhere.

Last year we went camping with a group. The site had no power and no utilities, just a stinky outhouse. I didn't shower for two days, nor did I get to wash my hands normally (thank goodness for hand sanitizer). We also took Casey with us and couldn't just let her off-leash. It was sorta fun (thanks to the company), but otherwise quite gross. I much prefer a Hilton Suite with down-filled pillows and a king-sized bed :)

Either way, we're going to go camping and we're going to have fun. The temperature has cooled off a bit in the last week, so I'm taking lots of blankets and some warm clothing. I'm also taking my human hot water bottle (Paul!) so we'll be just fine. The only disappointment is that the Madge Lake Golf Resort has a tournament starting tomorrow so Paul won't be able to golf. I'm sure we'll find things to do instead, like hiking, spending time at the beach, etc etc.

The packing has mostly been done and we're looking forward to the weekend ahead. Don't try to call because we won't answer, and we'll reply to all emails and messages when we get home on Sunday!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

9 Years of Bliss, and Stuff

Our nine year anniversary is tomorrow. Wow, eh? Time sure flies. That is the fastest 3288 days I can remember. Here's a recap of what I was up to during those days:

Summer 2002 - met Paul online
Fall 2002 - got engaged
February 2003 - met in person to solidify what we already felt for each other, and introduced Paul to my family... well, broke the news to them... that was a fun day!
May 29, 2003 - Paul arrived in Canada for good
August 16, 2003 - our wedding day. Hot, hot, hot.
September 2003 - cancelled the idea of going to school and got a job at Northern Getaway instead. We needed money!
June 2004 - got a full time job at Convergys call centre
July 2004 - bought our first car together, a Chevy Optra
August 2004 - started attending A.C.C. for Hospitality Administration
Spring 2005 - decided to switch into the Business Administration program
May 2005 - moved to a new apartment on "Bannock Bay" (we shouldn't have, oh well)
May 2006 - bought our first house, a mobile home in Highland Park
August 2006 - adopted our kitties, Buster and Missy; also lost my job at Convergys due to too many absences (due to too much stress and a repetitive strain injury)
June 2007 - graduated with Honours with a Diploma in Business Administration specializing in Human Resources; got a full time job in CFB Shilo as a Humas Resources Assistant, after working only a few weeks at another retail store in the local mall
April 2008 - traveled to Scotland for the first time
October 2008 - Paul became a Canadian citizen!
June 2010 - adopted our puppup Casey from Red Trail Jack Russell Terriers in Redvers
July 2010 - quit our jobs, sold our house and moved to Regina
August  2010 - got a job with Viterra as a Payroll & Benefits Administrator
October 2010 - had our car randomly vandalized, resulting in a write-off and the purchase of a new vehicle, a 2010 Dodge Journey
December 2010 - bought our first Regina home and got to move out our "hood house"
January 2011 - traveled to Mexico for our first destination vacation together
December 2011 - promoted temporarily to a Payroll Analyst position
February 2012 - traveled back to Mexico
August 16, 2012 - our 9 year anniversary!

Not a bad nine years, that's for sure, and I'm sure there's lots more fun to come :)
Aren't we cute?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Thankfully, the funeral I attended today was most uneventful. The place was packed full, with seating set up right through to the front door, outside the main sanctuary (can I use that word for it being in a funeral home?). We could see the service well enough, and could hear it perfectly fine due to a good speaker system. The theme was mostly lighthearted, and I didn't shed even one tear. Sure, there were a few moments when I thought I was close, but I just keep thinking of kitties and puppies and played the chopsticks tune in my head.

The only crappy part of my afternoon was getting a blister on one toe on the way to the car to go to the funeral. Doh! It hurt pretty bad. Since the day wasn't over when we got back to work, the dress code went out the window and flipflops it was. Meh, whatever.

Speaking of owies, you should see the nasty bruise I have on my right forearm. It's turning all the shades of the rainbow and is tender. I'm sure I'll be fine though. It got bruised when I was trying to pull out a baby tree from under the deck on Sunday afternoon. I had stuck both arms through the plastic lattice, and when I pulled really hard one last time, it jerked my arms and they rammed upwards. The left arm is only slightly purple. My main worry was that I'd broken my arm right around that spot 22 years ago, and I'm still somewhat sensitive about it. It's just a bruise though, so I shouldn't worry so much.

I also strained my leg muscles from all my Sunday weeding that day, from bending over from the waist and pulling up the uglies for about an hour. I couldn't kneel because it was in a rocky area and I didn't know where Paul's kneepads were (he was out helping a buddy build a deck). The soreness is actually worse today than yesterday.

I feel pretty banged up, to be honest, in different areas of my body. I guess sometimes when it rains, it pours. I'm sure that by the weekend when we go camping, I'll be back to normal, whatever my normal is.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Nairn Family Contracting... I Wish!

Paul has been urged to think about becoming a sub-contractor so that he can get some more meaningful work that pays him better that what he's currently doing. I agree, so I was very glad when he got that advice. It's a new endeavour, however, so Paul has been mulling it over. I think we're about set to go ahead with everything, but there are a few steps involved.

I have an education in business and experience in HR and remittances, so I'm not scared at all about this new opportunity. I've wanted Paul to do business for himself for many years, so the fact that the person I consider to be his mentor said he should, that just solidified my thoughts. It's hard for a man to believe his wife sometimes, but just ask another man to tell him the same thing and, badabing badaboom, done.

The first major step is to decide on a business name. He could just operate under a business number or his own name, but he doesn't want to. I can understand that. If this venture works out, the small cost at the start to get the name may prove quite beneficial. Unfortunately it won't be Nairn Family anything though... *sad face*

I'm just happy for Paul to be open to trying something new. He doesn't have to "jump naked into the pool", but he can get his feet wet, get a few jobs under his belt, and make a name for himself. He does know what he's doing and wants more in life than what he's got. I would greatly appreciate the added income as well.

We'll see how it goes, but maybe soon I'll be able to say I'm married to a businessman!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


After spending the last few months fighting off the heat, my body has officially gotten climatized to summer. Actually, it was first obvious to me last weekend when I spent most of the time being cold.

Since it heated up across our fair country, our indoor temperature has settled in around 25 degrees Celsius. It would drop down to 22 or 23 occasionally, but for the most part, it's been a hot summer. Now that my body is so used to it being 25 all the time, especially during the night, I get cold when it dips a few degrees. For example, today was a beautiful, sunny, breezy day. The high got to something like 25, but next to no humidity. I went outside with Casey at one point, wearing a tank top, and got a chill. Sure, the sun was shining, but in the share, I was simply cold.

I just hope that once the temperature starts dropping this fall, I will get accustomed once again to the change. I am still a fan of winter, so I better not spend the entire time feeling like an icicle!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Bourne Date Night

Paul and I happen to be fans of the "Bourne" series of films. We both haven't read the books, but we've really enjoyed watching the trilogy unfold over the years with Matt Damon at the helm playing the lead character. The Bourne Legacy just opened in theatres this past Friday, and we had some gift certificates to use, so that means date night! The movie was pretty good, but it definitely was different to watch a Bourne movie without the main star.

To give you some background information, the book series ends after the third, but with the success of the movies, I guess film producers decided to get another one written. Keeping in line with the story told in the third movie, "Legacy" moves forward but stars a new character, played by Jeremy Renner of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol et al. He was totally believable in his role, and did a great job. There were some excellent fight scenes, and a few explosions, and the movie ended with lots of room to continue with a fifth installment.

If you're a Bourne fan, definitely go see this one. Because it was written as a true sequel, the story just keeps on going and will make you want to see even more.

We enjoyed ourselves on this date night! I look forward to the next one.

Friday, August 10, 2012


I'm a self-professed professional Googler. A Googler is is a person who finds it easy to search Google, uses the google commands very efficiently, and uses the "I'm feeling lucky" button. A Googler is a huge fan of a Google and is sometimes referred to as an "Expert Online Searcher".

When I saw the advertisement on the back of my current Entertainment Weekly magazine was for a new Google tablet, I got very excited. Look how purrrrrty it is, and for only $209 CDN! That's really cheap for a tablet/e-reader/electronic Googler. Just think how Googlerific I would be with this sweet device.

This beauty weighs only 340 grams, is 198.5 x 120 x 10.45mm (that's super thin!), and has more tech specs that I can list.

I'm totally going to get one. It's on my Christmas list now. That and... a case. That's all. I'll be more than happy with just that, as it has everything I need and more. It takes care of the desire for an e-reader, and allows me to YouTube, Google +, watch movies, take pictures, etc etc etc. Oh and I totally forgot, Blogger is also a Google site so I can blog on the go! Eeeeeeeeee I'm so excited!

You jealous yet? Well, buy one too! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

E for Exhausted!

Whew, this blogger is Exhausted with a capital E! It may be a short week, but it's been chock full of steady, hard work. I may not have a physical job, but a sure have a mental job and my brain is completely done for the day.

That said, I remembered I'd bought some thin crust pizzas on sale at the grocery store this past weekend, so that brightened my day. I'll be enjoying some of that and some good ol' television this evening. Nothing that works my brain, that's for sure!

So, enough of that, I'm hungry and tired. Talk to ya'll later!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sudden Death

My co-worker's eldest brother passed away yesterday. He was not even 40 years old, and just recently-married. It was a sudden, unexpected illness that claimed his life. I didn't know him personally, but when a tragedy affects someone you work with forty hours per week, you do feel deeply sorry for them.

Although I'll be stressed out this (short!) week now that I'm without my "buddy", and have other extra tasks to complete, I have to remember that this is no fault of hers. I completely respect that she will need time to grieve, and need to accept that I will need to ask my other co-workers for some help. So far they've been really good; I just need to ASK.

"N", I'm so sorry for your loss and am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. May "R" rest in peace.

I'll be saying my Serenity Prayer a lot in these next few days, that's for sure...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Love My Cats and They Love Me

Have I mentioned how much I love my cats? Well, it's about time I reminded you, either way.

I had a very, very busy and full day today. Not only was my co-worker out of the office for a family emergency, but I had been away on Friday last week so work was piling up. To add to the delightful pile of wonderfulness, it was J's first day on the job. Pretty much the only positive thing that came out of the (other than the work I did get done), was that my testing for the Glencore project was put on hold due to issues in another area. Thanks!

After the arduous day, the last thing I wanted to do was come home and make dinner and clean up my house. All it took to turn my attitude around, however, was seeing my two precious furry babies sitting next to their empty food bowl, staring at me with those needy eyes. I know they love me, and I love them back. It made me very happy to just go over and pet them both and get a little cuddle time before dinner.

Buster and Missy
Just look at their precious faces. Sure, they're six years older now, but they're still as lovable. I'll forget about the fact that they are both noisy and annoying at times when I look at pictures like this. Other than their physical size, the only real difference now is that they don't cuddle with me anymore when I'm hanging out on the sofa. That's only because Casey won't let them though. We do still have our little bedtime rituals and cuddle time.

Someday when they're no longer with us, I will always remember the first Nairn cats! They will be hard to replace, that's for sure.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Long Weekend Food Woes

I really hate long weekends. Not for the extra day though, that's for sure. In Shilo, I used to work only 30 hours per week as that was all they had available for me. I really got used to having every Friday off. I'm used to working 37.5 hours per week now, so it's not the hours of work I despise.

I simply eat too much on long weekends. It doesn't help that 80-90% of the long weekends in the year are spent away from Regina, travelling back home to visit with family. Eating away pretty much guarantees that I won't eat enough fruits and vegetables, but will take in more starches (aka carbs) than I should. It also means that I don't eat my "normal" Monday foods on the holiday Monday, but instead find myself indulging in more "weekend" foods because it is, after all, still the weekend.

Like I tell all my fellow TOPS members, you just have to make the right choices. I did make a good decision by packing two baggies full of veggies and grapes, and not packing any chocolate or salty or greasy snacks. It's just so easy to overeat and then sit around not doing anything. For me, boredom equals stuffing my face. It will be the bane of my existence forevermore, I think.

It will be a total fluke of nature if I don't  gain weight this week. I guess there's always next week, and making those good choices I know so well.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Old Friends, New Visits

15 years ago, on our last family vacation to British Columbia, we stopped in at the home of some old friends of ours from Campbell's Trailer Court. I personally hadn't seen them since then but got to yesterday. They were in the area for a family wedding so were able to pop in for a visit at the cabin. "E" simply has not aged at all. In fact, I think she even looks younger now than 15 years ago! It's amazing that she's a grandmother to four, with the oldest being ten. She looks younger than me! It was nice to see them though.

The temperature was nice, but the wind was much too strong to enjoy a boat ride this weekend. Regardless, I enjoyed my visit with mom and dad and some other old friends. The drive home was uneventful, to say the least, but comfortable. The cup of coffee I drank in Virden even held me over until bedtime.

I do want to say "thanks" again to those members of my family that fed me and let me stay overnight. It was nice to get away from home for a few days and do something out of the ordinary.

Now back to the real world...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Homecoming Parade

I spent this past Saturday in Baldur at the 130th Anniversary Homecoming. Although I didn't know most people, I still enjoyed tagging along with my parents while they reminisced with their old friends and acquaintances. It was also nice to see some members of my extended family again.

As I write this, I'm two days behind and lacking energy, just to be honest. I really don't have anything spectacularly interesting to share. I will at least share a link with you for pictures of the parade that took place on Saturday afternoon. It was supposed to happen a few hours earlier, but the rain delayed it an other events that day. Regardless, for a short, small town parade, it was fun.

Baldur Homecoming Parade

Friday, August 3, 2012

Hearing Aids

You know what is one of the cutest, most funny things to watch? Two male senior citizens with hearing problems having a conversation. You almost need to insert earplugs to cut down the noise level.

That was the scene this evening before supper with my Grampa Pa and his younger brother. Between the two of them, they easily drowned out the women. Good thing the three of us can hear just fine! After we ate they moved into the room I'm in now, which is smaller and the sound doesn't bounce around. I popped in for a visit and we had a conversation about just that. And here I thought they were going in the other room to talk about girls! HAHA

I actually have one ear that hears better than the other. I first noticed it when I started working in a call centre in 2003. My right ear was favoured over the left. If I switched my headset to the other side, I was way more distracted by the things I could still hear out of my "good" ear. To this day, I prefer to listen to phone calls through my right ear.

As far as the mature young men go, I'm just glad that hearing aids have come a LONG way from this. Now they are hidden discreetly and can pick up even the tiniest sound. Just think, without those aids, they would literally be yelling at each other.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jean Genes

A little known fact about me is that I have a very difficult time packing light. You never know what the weather will turn out like, or what you'll end up doing during your time away, so it's smart to pack a little of everything, right? I'm pretty sure I get this trait from my father. Call it indeciveness, or whatever you want. I just call it being prepared.

In my defence on this particular weekend away, I picked the smallest suitcase I own. It's small enough to be carried onto a flight, so that's a positive point. I don't really care that I'll only be away for two days and two nights! I wore my Lulu's, a t-shirt, and a long-sleeve topper for the drive out and this is (basically) what I packed:
  • 1 pair of jeans
  • 2 pairs of shorts (black and tan)
  • 1 pair of capris
  • 2 long-sleeve zip-ups (purple and black)
  • 3-4 t-shirts of varying colours/styles
  • 3-4 tank tops of varying colours/styles
  • 1 elbow-length t-shirt
  • plenty of socks and underwear (because you never know what may happen)
  • 2 bras (different colours, plus the one I wore)
  • a nightshirt
  • a light robe for the morning so I don't have to walk to the shower with in but butt-revealing nightshirt...
  • 1 swim suit
  • 1 cover-up
This might sound like a lot, but it all fit into that little suitacase with lots of room to spare. Even at home I find it difficult to pick out clothes to wear, so I usually do so the night before. That takes the stress out of my already-time-crunched morning. I just can't say I know what I'll want to wear the next day when I'm out of town, however, so I need to pack to be prepared. I can guarantee you that half of the clothes won't be worn. I can also guarantee that if I didn't bring extras along I will have wished I had.

I'll just blame this one on my genes. Or my jeans. Whatever :p

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Single Weekend Ahead!

Happy August! This marks a first for my blog, that's for sure. I'm very happy I'm still at it!

Did I mention I was headed out this weekend sans spouse and pets? Well I am, and I'm quite looking forward to it. It was touch-and-go for a few weeks with our new company transition pending, but now it looks like I'll have no issue taking Friday off. It will be nice to get away for a few days and see people that I rarely get to visit with.

My plan is to be in Shilo by 12:30 for lunch with my previous manager. Too bad there's still a time difference between here and Manitoba. I'll get away around 7:30, but will still lose an hour once I hit the border. Considering it's a Friday before a long weekend on a military base, I don't expect to see many others that I used to work with. I'll check around, however, and maybe get a hello in to some that I missed on my visit last year.

The rest of the weekend will be split between Baldur and Pelican Lake. It's Baldur's 130th anniversary so they're having a Homecoming. That's why Paul is staying at home: he will literally know only a couple people. I'm not from there either, but at least I've been around a lot longer and most of my parents' friends know who I am. Mom and Dad will be around town on Saturday too, so we can all hang out.

I hope the weather is nice on Sunday, and maybe I'll get a boat ride in. I also plan to have coffee or supper with an old friend/co-worker that I've not seen since we moved. Things have changed for her a lot since we last spoke, so I'm looking forward to our re-connection.

Although I'll be leaving my loved ones at home, and will miss them somewhat, I will also enjoy the time away. I'm most looking forward to some good, quality, alone time!

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