Monday, October 1, 2012

The 8th Wonder

As per Wikipedia, the Seven Wonders of the World are, in no particular order:

Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
Great Wall of China
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
Hagia Sophia
Leaning Tower of Pisa

I think I found the eighth. Really. It's in my own backyard. Say hello to my leaf piles:

Four piles here.

and three here, with the middle one being the granddaddy of them all.

Not actually a pile yet, but just you wait!

Also not yet a pile, but there are WAY more leaves
hiding along that hedge line than you'd think!

Seriously, there are just way too many leaves for anyone's good in my front and back yards. We're trying something new this year, as you can tell: just raking them up continuously into large piles, rather than doing the entire yard at least three times before all the leaves have fallen. So far, it's proven to be quite a good idea. Now we just need to find time to bag them.

So, you should be honoured to say you've seen the Eighth Wonder of the World, at the Nairns. Awesome.

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