Sunday, September 30, 2012

A is for Organized!

Look what my man made for me today! It's new shelves in the garage! Can you tell I'm excited about it?!?!

Seriously, this Type A personality was totally impressed with the work he did this weekend. And, to make it even better, all the materials were scraps he brought home for free! Now everything is on one wall, up off the ground which can get wet from the spring thaw.

What you see is all that we have in storage: everything else has been unpacked and moved into the house, or is in the basement (just a few containers of seasonal items). My day went from 0 to 100 once he'd finished that off. I was able to organize it all and am sooooo happy that it's all in one spot. I can even read what's in each box!

Oh yeah, good afternoon, that's for sure.


  1. Great looking shelves, but tell me, how ever do you get into that freezer? :)

    1. Well, we don't, actually... we were thinking of selling it. Need a nice little freezer?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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