Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Buteyko Breathing

Three words: Shut Your Mouth. I've been trying very hard at doing so for nearly 24 hours now. Why, you ask? Because we had a guest speaker at TOPS and I was extremely intrigued. I can't remember his name now, but he's a Lutheran pastor in Regina and gave quite the story. You can check it out at

The main idea is regarding the Buteyko Breathing Method, which involves breathing through your nose at all times. Read this information below which is directly from the pastor's website:

What is Buteyko

The essence of my method is in decreasing the depth of breathing. You would ask me how. The best way is through relaxation of the muscles that potentiate the breathing action. What then occurs is a sensation of having sufficient air if the breathing is reduced. These are the instructions -- the whole of the method.” Dr Konstantin Buteyko

The Buteyko Breath Retraining method is a series of breathing exercises that restore normal breathing patterns. Breathing is the most fundamental function of our bodies. When we correct our breathing, the rest of our system is positively impacted.

As we retrain ourselves in healthy breathing, symptoms of chronic conditions are alleviated. Over time, less medication is needed and dependence on C-PAP machines can be eliminated. As more efficient breathing evolves, improved oxygenation of the tissues and a stronger immune system result.

Our energy also improves, allowing us to engage in physical activity with greater ease. As we become more active endorphins are released, elevating our state of mind. (It is estimated that 60% of people with debilitating chronic conditions also experience depression.) We are better able to cope with health challenges and stress. We are more inclined to take better care of ourselves, leading to being symptom-free, medication-free and healthier than ever.

So, after listening to our speaker, I went to bed with my mouth taped shut (using paper tape, duh). I found that I did sleep better, but the tape wasn't tight enough around my humongous lips. Tonight I'll make it tighter so I can't eke out any sort of breath from my mouth, and see how I feel in the morning. I figure, why not try something new to attempt to combat my sinus issues and sleep problems. I suggest you look into it more if you're interested!

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