Sunday, September 23, 2012

Crazy Cleaning Lady

It really bothers me when I can't get into my normal weekend routine to clean the house. It's way past dirty, and I simply am not interested unless I can get up in the morning and do it. Obviously yesterday was out with picking up the cars and such, and last weekend was... something else... of course now I can't even remember. Next Saturday is the TOPS Annual Fall Walk. So, I guess I'll either have to let it be dirty for longer OR simply get my act together and do it at a different time. Let's hope for next Saturday after the walk.

I got into a little bit of a cleaning rampage for about half an hour around 5:00 tonight, but really only because I got frustrated with having to do laundry all afternoon and the sink sitting full of dirty dishes... ahem, Mr. Paul... yeah. The "kids" were hungry, I was cranky, and it just wasn't good. Then I went outside and swept all the leaves off the deck. At least I worked up a sweat and the dog got some more fresh air. As if she doesn't get enough of it. Oy, I need a vacation.

Did I mention I'm taking the week of Christmas off? Well, I am. I'm just going to stay at home, in my pjs and not do my hair and not care. I politely informed my co-workers that, after the month of August and us not booking a vacation for ourselves for a year, I would be taking those three days off. It's not like I'll be leaving town so, in an emergency, they can call or email me about whatever. I'm not mean, just tired.

I'm going to go wash my hair now. It soothes my nerves. Then I'll have something to eat and settle down for some good 'ol "Breaking Amish" on TLC.

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