Saturday, September 22, 2012

And the Winner Is...

The Nairns! Well, it sure feels that way. Our luck has definitely changed -- in many areas anyway -- and we finally feel that things are moving in the right direction. As promised, here are the pictures of our new rides!

Paul got his wish: a new truck that fits him like a glove. Literally. It's the first vehicle I've seen him sit in that had more room than he needed. And the price was right. Double awesomeness.
2012 Dodge Ram 1500
I also feel pretty spoiled with my new car. That was never the intent, but when you're offered a great deal and it just feels right, you go with it.
2012 Chrysler 200 LX
Neither of these vehicles is fancy. They are both base models with little more than air and cruise (and Paul says his truck doesn't even have cruise control). No more heated seats, and if we want command start, we have to pay to have it put in (we probably will within the next few months). When we asked for help, we didn't say "they need more options!" when the answer was provided. The minimum is more than we initially requested, so we feel extremely blessed.

We're both really excited to be in two vehicles. It's been about 18 months since we had a second one to use, and although I truly didn't mind working with our situation the way it was, it has simply come to the time when separate cars is no longer just a want. With Paul making some career changes, getting the truck was the first major step in him moving forward.

Don't we look happy? That's because we are :)

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