Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Delightful Day Off

You wanna know what I did today? Pretty much absolutely nothing. At all. In fact, I'm still in my pajamas and it's nearing 7:30 pm. Awesome.

It's about time that I was able to just take the day off. No schedule to abide by, no specific plans made, no people to see, things to do, or places to go. It's been really great, actually. I even slept in until 10 am. The only things I did decide to do were run and unload the dishwasher, cook a simple dinner, and wash one load of laundry (not like I have to do anything with that, however).

Part of me feels guilty for not getting at least a few things accomplished, but then if I had kept myself busier, I would feel guilty for not just taking the day off. I'll have to be okay with being lazy. At least there's one more day left in this delightful long weekend to perform some much-needed tasks. Paul is probably going out to sub on a job too, so it should be pretty quiet around here with just me and the furries.

I'm going to go now to enjoy the rest of my day off. Tomorrow I'll get back to a normal routine, starting off with a shower (no, I didn't even have one of those today :p).

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