Friday, September 21, 2012

Growing Old

After a four month hiatus for summer, the Son's of Scotland Regina chapter (aka Camp Balmoral) reconvened tonight. The specific occasion was "Past Chiefs' Night" which consisted of a potluck and the past chiefs in attendance taking over the formal part of the meeting. The food was hearty (there had to be at least six different stews) and filling, and the meeting long. Very long. I understand that there have been a few months of goings on to talk about, but 90 minutes? I was so tired after a busy week and just wanted to go home to bed.

The hardest part for us in this group is that we're the youngest members. Not by a few years, by many years. I could easily be the great-granddaughter of a gentleman sitting at our table, who turned 90 recently. With all due respect to the members, who are very kind, generous people, there simply needs to be some more young blood infused into the mix. What will they do in twenty years when there's no one left to run the meetings?

Two members passed away this spring/summer, with a few more on their way, I'm sure. We'd like to continue on with the group, but the way its going, it's just so bloody boring! We have absolutely nothing in common with these people, other than Scottish heritage. The current members' children don't even come!

I hope in the years to come they're able to continue with membership. I can't guarantee we'll be part of it though.

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