Tuesday, September 11, 2012

That Fall-y Time of Year

It's that time of year again: my leaves are "making like leaves and dropping"... hahahaha.... yeah. Exciting, I know.

The wind was really strong today and I expected all my neighbour's leaves to be in my yard. They aren't completely, but I'm hoping that's only because of the wind direction. Otherwise, they would be. That particular breed of tree goes yellow before the others in the area, and they usually end up on our side of the fence. Lucky us. Not only do we have four of our own trees in the back, but we have two in the front as well as a long, tall hedge.

In all honesty though, the raking isn't really that terrible. Sure, my arms and shoulders get kinda sore and tired, but the exercise is quite outstanding. The temperature dropping and the crunchy sound of leaves underfoot totally puts me in the mood for donning a puffy vest and a brewing up big mug of hot chocolate.

The last few years we had something like 15-20 bags of leaves by the end of the season. We usually have to rake two or three times before all the leaves have fallen. Sometimes, as you know, it snows before we get them up. That just bites the big one. Last year we did pretty good, but didn't quite get them all before the white stuff came. The only difficulty we'll have this year is with the garbage pickup. Now that we have a roll-out bin, only a certain number will fit inside until it's overflowing. We'll probably have a large pile of bags for a few weeks until we can get them all hauled away.

If you're up for a good fall-weather workout, come on over to our place! There's always something to rake here!

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