Thursday, September 13, 2012

Doctoral Dollar Signs

Does anyone know how much a family doctor gets paid for seeing me in their office? I'm extremely curious and this is why:

I arrived five minutes late for my appointment today because I got on the "wrong" bus (it took longer to get there than the express bus). As it was only a few minutes before 5 o'clock, I just hoped the doctor would still see me. She actually came to get me from the lobby herself because I was the last patient of the day. She checked my blood pressure and refilled the four prescriptions I requested. Then I was on my way. I was in the room for about three minutes. I decided to grab a pizza next door for dinner and, as I was waiting for Paul to pick me up, she left the office and got into her very expensive-looking Mercedes Benz.

Now, don't get me wrong, I actually like my new doctor very much. She has a great smile and attitude, I can understand what she says even though she's from another continent, and she truly seems to care about my health. I just don't understand why they have to herd you in and out in under ten minutes. I actually had a few other things I would have liked to chat about, but there simply wasn't enough time. There's never enough time.

So, how much money do they earn to see me, and for each prescription they fill? I imagine enough (and more) to fund their fancy car-buying habits.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure how much they make, but I do know that the speed of the appointment all depends on your doctor. I often have to wait half an hour to get into my doctor, but he is very thorough. Even at my son's last appointment, when I asked him if I could ask about my health, he allowed me to do so, and he was very kind about it.


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