Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Valued Volunteer

Wow, talk about a lot of chapter members now. Not counting the ones that only weigh in and don't come to meetings, and the ones that are MIA, there are now 52 people on my list. That's a lot of people.

I am trying not to be overwhelmed by it, but it really is a lot of work organizing everyone's weight charts and tallying awards. I've said it before, and I don't want to "beat a dead horse", but I just hope that my will to continue in this volunteer position is greater than the stress is causes. Don't get me wrong, I care very much about the members, but sometimes I don't entirely feel valued. This isn't their fault, it's mine, I realize that.

In other areas of my life I feel undervalued as well, and I know it's due to my personality type. A major fear of mine is being worthless; my basic desire is to feel valuable and worthwhile. These are things I'm working on and will probably blog about in the future.

Regardless of how many chapter members we have, I just hope that they understand what it takes to keep the charts organized and the monthly awards accurate. I'm doing the job for them (and, let's face it, to add to my resume) and I want to do the best job possible. If I'm having a stressful day, I want to work through it and be present for them. My attitude hinders my own success as well.

Working through my "defects", one day at a time, I'll have happiness and achieve something great -- for me and for my chapter.

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