Friday, September 28, 2012

The Waiting Game

*sigh of relief* The week of crap is over. I honestly don't remember the last time I was this "un-busy" at work and had a bad week as well. It's never nice to be bored, and it gets really hard to find things to do after a while. I can't look bored, however. It would be really great if this whole acquisition thing would just happen already.

Being frustrated is really tiring on a person. I'm frustrated with people, circumstances, and everything else in between. I'm finding it hard at work to just "go with the flow". I feel out of the loop, left behind, and like a nobody. Not all the time, but this week was bad.

I have to remember how much I truly do enjoy doing most of the parts of my job and how I want to continue to succeed. The waiting game is extremely trying though, and it's so hard to keep in touch with the positive aspects. I just have to remember the serenity prayer (which tends to keep me going) and remain as positive as I can. At the end of the day, all I can do is say that I've done my best and have no regrets.

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