Saturday, September 29, 2012

Full Moon

With our busy lives, I really haven't had a chance to just sit back and look at the night sky in a while. When you're camping, you can't help but look at it, but in the city it's not as easy. We're pretty lucky to live away from the main city lights, but the street lights still block a lot of the view of the stars.

As we were driving home from our date, it was around 7:00 pm and the moon was rising ahead. It was quite beautiful, actually, as you can see from this photo.

Even with the low resolution you can still see how bright it is. The "man in the moon" was clearly visible. Google says that the 30th is a full moon, so it makes sense that it's so bright the night before.

The moon really is quite a sight. Looking at it, or the stars, or anything God-made for that matter, relieves my stress and relaxes my mind. I really enjoyed our little date and this view on the way home was a sweet ending. Well, that and the movie we watched when we got home (MIB:3)...

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