Monday, September 10, 2012

Staying on Track with Micro-Directions

It's a good thing microwaveable food items provide directions on the box. If they weren't, I would have eaten way too much just because it tasted so good!

We used to buy micro-dinners all the time, for Paul's lunch or just whatever. I don't typically eat them for my lunch, but I decided to try something new for once. I found some Weight Watcher's Smart Ones Quesadillas. Mmmmm, quesadillas. After grabbing a box to cook up tonight for dinner, I read the instructions for how long to cook them for. Well, the first thing it said was to take "one quesadilla out of the package and put the other back in the freezer". What the... you mean I don't get to eat both? Son of a...

No worries, I was a good girl! 220 calories and 20% sodium was plenty for me, and it still looked like it could be quite delicious. While my one quesadilla was micro-cooking, I tossed up a Dana-style Caesar salad (equal parts lemon juice and dressing). Well let me tell you, although I definitely could have polished off the second one easily, I really enjoyed the one I had, with my zesty salad. Add a cup of skim milk (I'm adding more of it into my diet to try something "new"), and a big glass of water, and I'm totally fine now.

I do have to thank mom for calling me on the phone and keeping me occupied for nearly 45 minutes. In fact, it took me past the point where I'm "allowed" to have anything else to eat before bed.

Without those detailed directions, I could have easily thrown off my good eating habits and botched a stay-the-same or even a possible loss this week. Healthy eating is possible, as long as you don't overdo it and... read the directions -- even if you don't want to!

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