Sunday, September 16, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

You know those semi-sleepless nights that occur when a major decision needs to be made? When you have too many options and your mind just won't stop racing through them all? When you're afraid to make the wrong decision and therefore struggle with it for a very long time or even forever?

Who knew that buying new vehicles would be so hard?! After yesterday, we just have to look at some more options before we can make our decision. It would be so much easier if money wasn't an issue, but of course it is. Maybe ten years ago I would have jumped into something a lot quicker (like marriage?! no kidding... haha) but now that I'm more mature and have more bills to pay, I'm a lot more cautious. Sure there's always going to be those spontaneous purchases, but when we're talking thousands of dollars, probably not so much anymore.

Tomorrow is a new day, as long as I can sleep through the night. I have a few phone calls to make and some more wheeling and dealing to do. We'll get through it, I know, but until the process is over, I'll be very anxious! Does anyone happen to have a money tree I could come pick off of? I'll definitely be saying more small prayers to help us through this one. I know that everything happens for a reason and I just need to trust that God will help us make the right choice. I'm just impatient for it to happen... now!

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