Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Flowing With the Changes

When I actually have time to sit down and drink in the changes that are occurring around our house lately, I realize just how much we've been up to. It's one thing to be busy with extra-curriculars, it's another to be making drastic amendments to our lives.

Yesterday Paul gave his official two week notice to his current employer. He could have just quit at the end of the week and not given the notice, but in respect and to avoid burning bridges, he'll work until October 5th. Then he'll be making the plunge, officially, to being a one-man show. The only reason he's jumping right into it is because he was asked to. I guess the company that is hiring him has tons of work to be done, and they trust that Paul will do it right. Nice! I'll take it, especially the (nearly double what he gets now) wage.

Then as you would know if you read this blog regularly, we just traded in our beloved crossover utility vehicle for a midsize sedan and a basic pickup truck. We like them both a lot, especially the "new car smell". Mmmmm. I will miss my heated seats, DVD entertainment system, backup camera, touch screen monitor, and command start (until we get it installed in the new ones). I won't miss having too big of a car for just two people and their dog, and having to rely on Paul or the bus to get a ride to or from work every day.

I'm also becoming more involved with TOPS and the KOPS society, making friends and being social, and participating more actively at the church with the worship team. I even plan to try my hand at re-learning the bass guitar this winter.

Being busy is a very new thing for me -- and for Paul -- but I think we're getting used to it. I have to think less about the time I don't have and focus in the moment and just enjoying myself and getting things done. I can over think things at times, so have to just trust the process and go with the flow. Since September has been such a changing month for us, I wonder what the rest of the year will bring?

1 comment:

  1. Good work Paul! Enjoy that new car smell, Dana. This is something I can't wait to experience one day! And I wonder if we'll ever live in the same city. Might be nice...


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