Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Busy Bee

So my mom says to me, "it's a good thing you have a blog so I know what you're up to!" Very true. I think that most of the time my blog is just for me to get out my feelings and for my mom to read them! Then she says, and this is paraphrasing, "you sure have a lot on the go". Hmmm. Do I? I guess I do. My reply was something to the extent of, "yeah, I guess, but I live day to day so don't even make me talk about it or I'll get overwhelmed with the realization of how busy I am!" That was Monday. Today I feel a little overwhelmed. No, make that a lot.

All of a sudden I have a bunch of things going on. I don't know how that happened! This is what I've been up to:
  1. helping Paul out getting his business started, which often just means taking over doggy-duty in the evening
  2. looking for new vehicles to replace our one-and-only
  3. making new friends and having a social life for once in a long time
  4. keeping up with three shows a week of Big Brother (luckily there's only a few episodes to go this year)
  5. being a super-de-duper-awesome weight recorder at TOPS, which takes a lot of work at month-end for awards
  6. attending KOPS society meetings and offering to organize the Fall Walk which is now planned for the 29th
  7. helping organize and run a fall contest at TOPS
  8. making something to take to a Son's of Scotland potluck/meeting
  9. WORKING 7.5 hours per day
  10. and so on and so forth...
I'm sure that other people go through a lot more in their lives, but you have to understand that for me, this is a lot a lot a lot!

I'm sure I'll either get used to it or it will slow down. Well, I hope one of those things occurs. I'm awfully tired from all my busyness!

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