Friday, September 14, 2012

Little Patience = Lousy Park Date

My dog is a bully! Argh. My great idea to take Casey to the park for a little while totally did not go well.

We dropped Paul off at the job site that he and J are working at framing a basement (as subcontractors). Then we headed back to the park for a little run. There weren't too many dogs present, but definitely some lively ones. Within minutes, Casey was already chasing a new "friend" and wouldn't listen to me. We tried to walk around a bit but I didn't want her near the water. She kept finding dogs that she didn't like so much (who knows why) and when I tried to pet them, she would get really territorial over me, as if they were going to hurt me.

Then she found a few Shih Tzus that were playing with a Chuck-It ball. Their owner was throwing it with one of those long-armed throwing devices (we also have one). Casey promptly stole the ball (of course) and wouldn't give it back. Once she finally let it go and they regained control, she just started barking at the lady because she wouldn't throw it. Casey's brain is hard wired to run after balls due to the many hours Paul has spent doing so with her. It was so frustrating. Then she got in a fight with one of the dogs.

I was so over it. We tried to enjoy ourselves but literally lasted less than twenty minutes total. I needed food and sleep and my dog was simply misbehaving. Note to self: do not take the dog to the park unless you are fed, watered, and alert. My brain simply wasn't in the game and didn't have any patience for her. Argh.

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