Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm Boring Today

I'm sorry, I just don't have anything of interest to say today. I got out of bed by 8 am, had a hearty breakfast, and left the house just after Paul -- who was going to do another sub job on the other side of town -- to take Casey for a walk around the lake. The weather was beautiful, with a sunny, clear blue sky, and a nice strong breeze. There were lots of people walking, running, and riding. And there were lots of dogs. Casey sure wanted to play with them all.

We also gassed up the car, and bought some kitty litter, sandwich meat, bananas, and a few cheap DVDs. I compiled all the data for August awards at TOPS, had a nice lunch, ran a few loads of laundry, and was able to relax for the rest of the afternoon watching "The Backup Plan" starring Jennifer Lopez. The writing wasn't so great, and I didn't really find it too funny or sappy, so it was only okay. 1 out of 3 stars.

Paul returned home around 3:30 and I cooked a nice dinner a few hours later. Then I washed my hair and am sitting here now. See, nothing very interesting to say. I wasn't really inspired at all today. The only news worthy item I read about today was that Michael Clarke Duncan passed away following a July heart attack. I was sorry to hear that. A nice guy and a good actor that will surely be missed.

So, maybe you have something funny or interesting to tell me. Maybe it's time again for a Reader's Choice blog entry. Feel free to post a comment below with an idea for me! Otherwise, it might just be a boring week...

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