Saturday, September 1, 2012

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Casey likes a wide variety of "human" food. Don't chastise me for feeding it to her; if it's okay for me to eat, then it is for her as well (with only a few exceptions). I'd rather her be open to many different types of food than be picky.

The things I know she likes are:

  • milk products - cream cheese, sour cream, hard cheese, yogourt
  • eggs
  • all kinds of meat and fish
  • all bread products
  • green peppers
  • strawberries
  • tortilla chips
Some of her wet food also contains things like peas and bananas, but she won't seem eat them otherwise.

What I find most interesting about Casey is, she has learned to eat all of these things because she watches us eat them. In fact, I know that regardless of what we're eating, she thinks she wants it. This is how I have proven it:

Last night I cut up some fresh strawberries for dessert. As usual, she was curious about the food preparation. I took a small berry and cut it in half for her, handing her a piece. She took it in her mouth, but promptly dropped it on the floor. She then just stared up at me like I was crazy for giving it to her. Well, all I had to do was pop the other half in my mouth as she watched, then hand her back her piece to have her gobble it down in a second. Monkey see, monkey do, no?

She's a smart cookie, that's for sure. I do wonder, however, if I put something completely god-awful in my mouth if she'd eat it too, just because I did. Hmmm. Now that's food for thought!

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