Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hot Tub Happenings

I woke up this morning wondering if somehow I'd ruined another friendship by saying the wrong thing...

We went over to my cousin's house last night, after an afternoon of paintballing, for a hot tub birthday party. He turns 40 next week so they had invited a bunch of friends over. I asked if it was okay if a friend of mine came over, so she did.

Like my last blog, it's a long story so I'll get to the point. For whatever reason, my friend was talking to another party-goer and brought up eating disorders. I found this strange, but she continued in her personal story to this person saying she was bulimic. Say what?! I was stunned, and was like "what do you mean you're bulimic? Can I help you with this? Do you want to talk about it?" She totally got all weird at that moment and decided she wanted to leave the party. Okay... I just let her go but sent a message saying I cared and if she wanted to talk about it I was game, otherwise I'd leave the issue alone. I was actually pretty upset that she would just leave all of a sudden like that. So I went to bad last night just completely unsure about the entire situation.

It wasn't until mid-afternoon that I got a message back from her. She said she was so sorry about last night and that she was a "hot mess". Here I thought she was made at me, not the other way around. Obviously I was happy to hear she was just out of sorts and didn't mean to just leave like that. I still hope she will open up a bit once we get to know each other better and trust me as a friend that cares.

Quite the odd happenings... and quite the change from my normal ho-hum life!

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