Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Asked, He Answered

After what seems like a long time, we made up our minds and took the plunge. You're reading the blog of a two-vehicle owner! Well, co-owner technically, but it's all the same. This is the first time in our nine years of marriage that Paul and I will have our own vehicles to get around in.

It's been exciting, stressful, emotional, expensive (well, not really, but if it's not free...) and overall satisfying. Accepting a deal we couldn't say no to, we returned to our original salesman and bought from him again. I'm going to keep the specifics a secret for now, but once we pick them up on Saturday and I can post photos, you'll see what we ended up with.

Paul's more excited than me, even though I'm really happy to have a car again. I'm mostly happy just for him to have a truck. That was the main concern for us in the beginning, otherwise we wouldn't have bothered to trade the Journey in. He'll finally be able to perform his new "job" properly, getting him and his tools around town anytime he wants or needs to. And I'll not have to count on him or the bus for a ride every day.

All in all, this change for us is positive and it's just proof that God answers prayers and shows us the way. I was patient and believed that what was meant to be would happen in its own time. I guess now is the time. We feel very good about the decisions we made, so I'm hopeful our happiness will continue.

Look for my Saturday blog for more on our new rides!

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