Monday, September 24, 2012

Who's In Charge?!

Have you ever discovered that you were in charge of something but didn't full realize it? Like you said you would "head something up" but thought for some reason that things would just magically happen. Well, that happened to me today.

I asked another person about a few things and got the response that they thought I "was leading" and they were just "helping out". Oh. My. Goodness. Me. Guess I have a few extra things to do this week, and I don't even know if I'll get reimbursed for the costs. I'm pretty sure I will, but there's never a guarantee.

I guess next time I need to ensure that I request assistance ahead of time so that items aren't left undone. That and, I hate to say that something will be available to someone at the event when in the end, it won't be.

Oh well. Lesson learned. Let's just hope that this Saturday goes off without a hitch. It is, after all, just a walk around the lake...

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