Saturday, October 27, 2012

Party #2

Even after a near-meltdown over a costume malfunction pre-party, I was able to have a good time as a pirate last night. The house was completely decked out in Halloween decorations; apparently it takes them about nine days to set it all up each year. The hosts were amazing and lots of fun, interesting people attended. I'm sorry Paul couldn't come, but we'll definitely plan to attend next year.

I didn't get to take any of my own photos, but there were lots done by the party hostess. My co-worker said they usually post them all to a website for people to view. The most memorable parts of the night were:

-the massage chair in the "spider room"
-meeting a petite Asian-Latino dude who married a tall, blonde Polish-Ukrainian girl
-getting hit on by "Old Spice guy"
-the amazing riblets (nom nom nom)
-the zombie baby

I'm already looking forward to next year!

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