Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Choosing Clothing Contentment

In the morning, as I ready myself for the day, I enjoy the very satisfied feeling of being prepared. Not unlike most other human beings with a job, my morning routine is just that, routine, and almost the only area of my life that I'd like to remain the same. When the unexpected is thrown my way during said routine, my entire day goes awry. It's like being tossed into a dryer, unable to open the door. Thanks to my preparedness, however, I am able to thwart danger in one major area: choosing my outfit for the day.

Most nights I decide on what I'll wear the next day. Call it being anal, or call it just being organized, whatever you decide, I'm happy doing it. Think about the time I save putting my outfit together ahead of time. I don't have a huge choice of clothing, but I think my selection has gotten pretty okay lately. There have been times in the past when I've put something on, just to decide that it really doesn't work, and nearly end up being late for the bus. I don't take the bus anymore, but I still want to be on time. Setting out my clothes for the next day just helps out my morning situation.

How many times have you stood in front of your closet, not "feeling" anything for any of your clothes. It's the moment when you decide you "have nothing to wear". I hate those moments, but I love being prepared. This is exactly why I choose to perform this little ritual. There's nothing better than already having made a big decision for the day the night before. Just think of how content I am each morning!

For tomorrow, I've chosen a simple black dress, blue blazer, blue tights, a grey belt, and will add in my tall, black boots in the morning. If anything changes at all between now and the morning, it will just be the blue tights. I'm totally okay with showing off colour on my legs in the form of opaque tights, but might change my mind. Might. Either way, if I don't change my mind, I'm saving myself the headache of choosing an outfit in the morning, when time is already of the essence.

Looking for a change in your morning routine? You should try it!

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