Sunday, October 28, 2012

Snowy, Lazy Day

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." Don't hate the messenger! I wasn't the one that made it snow! :p

Regina has seen quite the cold, blustery day today. Snow has been lightly falling since this morning, and the wind has a bite behind it. It's the kind of day where you just want to stay on the couch and do nothing. For the most part, I was able to do just that.

Mr. Paul is feeling better than yesterday, getting some energy back and looking forward to going to work tomorrow. We both agree that one day of doing nothing is fine, but two in a row usually turns out long and boring and completely unnecessary. Save for a few moments where I cooked Paul some meals, made a pot of chili, and ran through one load of laundry, I was a completely louse. The dog enjoyed that.

Although snow reminds me of Christmas, it doesn't mean that I am ready for it yet. As it happens every year, we anticipate it coming and then all of a sudden, poof it's over. I'm going to try and slow down time between now and then by appreciating each day, so that when Christmas actually comes, I'm able to be present for each and every moment.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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