Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! I'm going to share a few more photos with my blog-reading friends. This one is blurry, but I like it. I look skinny too, so bonus!

Hit Girl
And this is me at a different party the next night with the blue Crayola crayon, making my signature pouty face.
Crayon and Pirate 
And the last one, me "making friends"...

Hard to believe it's the same person in the purple wig, eh? :)

We chose not to hand out candy again this year due to Casey being too rowdy and barking at everyone and everything. Instead we closed the blinds, turned out the lights, blocked the way onto the deck, and went out for a nice dinner. Beer Bros. was quiet and cozy and we enjoyed some delicious fare. It was a good night. Now Halloween 2012 is over and I can start thinking about what I'll dress up as next year!

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