Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gemini Giggles

Paul is getting so official as a contractor! It actually makes me giggle sometimes. I suppose that's a good thing because I haven't yet had to deal with his tax remittances yet and, in my experience, that is very un-giggle-worthy.

On my way home from work an idea for Paul's Christmas gift suddenly dawned on me. I saw a vanity license plate that just read "G", so it made me think of getting myself a "D". Then it made me think of what I would get for Paul and I had a total "aha" moment. I'm totally going to apply to get him the plate "GEMINI", for his new Gemini Contracting business.

As that option may not be available, I'll also request (in this order of importance):

  1. GEMNI
  2. GMINI
  3. GMNI
I just hope that GEMINI is available though. 

Paul is also getting a jobsite radio. Apparently he'll be able to charge his batteries in it. Whatever, I'm sure it's quite interesting. He wants it, so he'll get it! That works for me.

So I'll keep giggling as long as I find Paul's new endeavours exciting. I'll ask for prayers when it's tax time! HAHA

***Note: Paul never reads my blog so I'm not concerned about him seeing this!

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