Thursday, October 4, 2012

Leaves, Leaves and More Leaves

Did I mention we have a lot of leaves in our yard? HAHA. Yeah... it's really getting old for us too. With Paul working a few evenings during the week, and me being busy with TOPS when he's home, getting our leaves cleaned up has not been a priority. With the change in weather (i.e. snow in Manitoba and temperatures below zero here), it suddenly has been pushed to the forefront.

With the wind whistling through the trees, I heartily raked up the mess in the front yard tonight. At one point, the leaves were at least three to four inches deep. The front yard didn't seem so large until I was huffing and puffing and only half done. Paul started mowing up the back yard. We had it in piles already, but he went over it to fill a few bags. At least one big pile is gone.

It wasn't as much as we'd have liked to get done, but it gets dark pretty quick lately, and we started late because I'd ran some errands prior to supper. Regardless, I feel somewhat accomplished with almost everything ready to finish bagging. It's such hard work though and at times I just want to knock on the neighbour's door and offer to pay his kids to do it!

We're still open for offers to help :):):)

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