Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Soaring Success?

Today was my spouse's first official work day as a subcontractor. He left the house around 7:00 am and worked nearly ten hours. Good for him... not so good for me, the poor housewife waiting for him to come home :( I'm sure that after a little while, either I'll get used to him coming home later than usual, or he'll leave the jobsite earlier and get home around the same time as me. I'd prefer the latter, obviously.

I sent him a little "lunchtime love note", aka text to say hi (and xoxo, of course), and the reply was a little worrying. This is paraphrasing but, he essentially messaged back that his day was "good, but back is  sore (actually, he wrote soar, but I'll forgive him for the spelling), and painkillers were nice". Uh huh. I promptly replied that he better be careful because he can't get himself hurt now that he's working for himself! Way to worry a girl. Apparently he hurt it when he was breathing. Right. Apparently he was just walking, not holding anything, breathed in and... the rest is history. Apparently. Right. Regardless, he still worries me.

I reminded him that money isn't everything, but work hard, become successful,  and the money will just be a reward. In other words, don't forget the people that love you and want you to come home to eat dinner with them! At least he's finally making more per hour than I am! Finally! And he seems very happy to be doing what he's doing.

Change can be exciting, but consistency is important. I'm looking forward to what's to come.

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