Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shopping Success

Shopping days are generally fun, and today was no exception. The morning started off with attending a Women's Breakfast at the church with a friend. The speaker was really good and I enjoyed the fellowship. Then we proceeded to the mall for some good 'ol retail therapy.

After all was said and done, I came out of it with three new long-sleeved sweaters (ivory, maroon, and black) a blue turtleneck, a purple short-sleeved sweater, and a comfy pair of black "Clarks" pumps. The friend I was with also bought a few items. We really enjoyed our time and had plenty of laughs.

The afternoon ended with Paul and I taking a drive down to the area he's working in. He showed off "his houses" and told me a bit about them. Then we stopped at Walmart to pick up a few items, including some new hooded sweatshirts for him for work. Since the dinner hour had arrived (my stomach told me so!), we indulged in some deliciously-filling "Five Guys" burgers and fries. Yummmmmmm.

I totally enjoyed my day. Now I think we'll settle down to a movie on TV, probably Prometheus. As long as I don't fall asleep before it's over, I'll call this one a success.

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