Saturday, October 13, 2012

Halloween Costume Time

If you haven't noticed (or don't care), Halloween is just around the corner. We had a particular pair of costumes in mind from a website, but they aren't in stock yet. As they ship from the U.S., we simply couldn't wait any longer to start looking.

Regina has a few more Halloween stores this year than I remember them having in the past. It sure makes it easier to find things, or so you'd think. Apparently they carry mostly female costumes. Honestly, there was probably 75% female ones in the store we went to. Sure, that makes it easy for me, but I want to do a pair with Paul. He's very picky. Ugh.

He ended up picking a particular costume that I wasn't entirely thrilled about. The female counterpart isn't sexy at all. Not even a little bit. I figure Halloween is a great time to dress in ways you wouldn't normally. That's the whole point! The ones we picked will still look good, I'm sure, I'm just not entirely sold yet. I had to get Paul to look at me in the changeroom because there was no mirror to check myself out. I just hope what he said is true! HAHA

Since we have two parties to attend this year, they'll definitely get used. I just hope we don't get them dirty and have to worry about cleaning them the next day in between the two events...

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