Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

This girl just isn't herself lately. In fact, I find myself being a crusty *LANGUAGE WARNING* bitch. Sorry. And no one wants to hear about all the crappy things I'm dealing with lately. I mean, they're not even that crappy, I'm just stressed out and frustrated and tired and... done.

I can't even be honest about the particular issues I'm facing, as some of them are work-related. I also hate being that person that's asked how I'm doing then goes off saying, "oh my life just suck lately...".  I did that last night and I really regretted it afterwards. Sure, I'd like to be honest about how I feel when asked, but sometimes it's more appropriate to lie about it. *sigh* I let my feelings out on Paul as he most understands what's going on. At least I feel a little better now.

I will say that there are a few wonderful things about my life lately, so let's focus on those:

  1. My application to be a Subject Matter Expert with the Canadian Payroll Association (CPA) was accepted. I don't know what I'll need to help with, but I'm looking forward to the experience gained.
  2. My application to be a volunteer with the CPA's Regina branch was accepted. My first function is next Wednesday at a luncheon. I'm quite excited about it.
  3. Albeit more than thirteen years ago that I picked up a bass guitar, I'm already learning my new "gift" quite quickly. On Tuesday night I was already able to play a song using the chord sheets and sing along (Hosanna - Praise is Rising, if you know it).
  4. Paul's new job will pay off, I know it, so I'm very happy for the new income source for our family and gained experience for him. If he's happy, I'm happy!
  5. I still really like my job, regardless of the political/social aspects I dislike currently, so I feel very satisfied in what I do, daily.
  6. My last blood pressure check was pretty darn good, if I say so myself. I'll need to check it at the grocery store in the next few weeks. Maybe we'll be able to lower my medications more!
So, all in all, even with the bad my life's not terrible. I have to remember that. The frustrations can easily overshadow the good parts, so doing things that make me happy really helps. In time, all will pass.

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