Monday, October 22, 2012

Wigs and Whatnot

Guess what's up for fun tonight at the Nairn household? Brushing and flat-ironing my Halloween costume wig, of course! :p

Seriously though, I'm a little worried. Wigs always come out of the packing all gross, but the hair needs to be straight to work with the outfit. (You'll see what I mean after we post pictures this weekend.) The "hair" isn't real though, so I'm concerned I'll melt it. Then I'm screwed. Unless I can find some spray in the same colour... no, no, that won't work. Ick.

What are you doing for fun tonight? I feel like I'm so busy lately I don't really get to hear what others are up to. Do you have plans for the upcoming weekend? If not, wanna come over and make some goodies for me to take with me to our parties? HAHA

I had this fun idea, but it would take too much time to do. It's Iceland Pönnukökurs but the mix is dyed green or some other ghoulish colour. Now wouldn't that be fun?! I thought so, but the whole time issue is really a clincher so, yeah, probably not gonna be that ambitious. I think that dying my cheese dip green will be hard enough work for this week. I'll just need to find some gummy fingers or snakes or something to lace it with to make it look gross. Yummy-gross, of course.

So, I'm gonna go try to straighten my wig now. That's quite the statement... wow. Wish me luck!

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