Wednesday, October 17, 2012

TOPS Family

TOPS is a great place to meet new people. It's also a great place to enjoy some time with your family, if they're also members. You'd be surprised how many people in my group are there with a member of their family. There's: Gunter, Sandi and Renee; Terry and Linda; Joyce and Pat; Kaitlyn and Rita; Dave and Rose; Corrie, Gloria and Colleen; Gloria and Michelle; Denise and Megan; Joyce and Paul; Monika and Stephanie; Leia and Fran; and Debbie and Wayne. And our chapter keeps growing, so who knows how many more there are.

Having a family member with you on your TOPS journey is great for motivation. You see them outside of TOPS, talk to them about weight loss and eating, and maybe even exercise together. You have each other's support at family gatherings. You have someone that understands your struggles and how you need TOPS. I can absolutely see why going to TOPS with your family is good idea.

I make friends pretty easily and feel that many of my fellow members are my friends. I would even go so far as to say they are like family. They aren't my family, however. Sometimes I feel very jealous of the other "daughters" in the group that go to meetings with their moms. They often go out for dinner with them before the meeting starts, and have bonding time. My mom simply lives too far away to do that but I do wish she could. Don't be sad, ma, I'm sure you wish we lived closer together too!

At least I have a few ladies I consider to be mother figures, especially Sandi and Gloria F, and even an "Aunty Colleen". They make me feel special and cared for and I really appreciate that. I'm very thankful for all the friendships I've made at TOPS, even with the old men. You GOTTA have some old man humour in the mix too :)

Even though my mom and I can't spend time together much anymore, I'm happy that many of my friends can and I treasure the moments we do have together.

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