Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Making Changes By Taking Steps

Do you ever get the feeling that it's time to make a change? It could be in any area of your life. It's that feeling of being antsy, unsatisfied, bored, or just looking for something new. Maybe you're someone that's quite content with your life remaining the same as it was yesterday. I know I'm not one of those types of people.

I never understood how someone could get a job with a particular company and continue with them until retirement. I see it every day and am really astounded at it. I also can't imagine living in the same house for more than five to ten years before moving on. I wish I understood the exact reason for my need for change.

For the most part, I feel like boredom plays the biggest role in my "moving on and moving up" way of thinking. Just moving furniture around to see a room in a different way is extremely appealing to me. When I don't have that option, it's just so boring.

I think in terms of work, it's not boredom but simply a need for more that makes me want to consider my options. Don't get me wrong, I'm not actually doing that right now, but there have been moments when I wondered. If I think back to my previous employment, that's exactly what I did: decide that if I wanted to move up in my career in HR, the best way to do that was to move away from my hometown to a larger centre. You'd think that would be a hard decision, because it is for many people, but it wasn't for me.

The hardest part about making big, life-altering decisions isn't the decision itself, it's all the smaller parts that make up the change. I knew I wanted to further my career. Selling a house and finding a new place to live in a city four hours away was the scary part. For Paul, I think he always knew he could pull off his own contracting business, but taking that step to quit his job and do it full time was hard for him.

I think that when the time is right, whether it be to find a new job or to buy a new house or whatever, everything will simply fall into place. Once you take the first step -- the hardest step -- it's all smooth sailing, with a little elbow grease in between, of course.

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