Sunday, October 7, 2012

Full, But Happy

*BURP* I literally ate as much in one day as I do in three normally. At least Thanksgiving comes but once per year, as well as the eating binge I find myself being part of.

But it was a nice weekend, albeit quick. The weather cooperated for highway driving on Saturday, with the wind at our back. Casey was happy to get to the "S'paw", and we were happy to leave her there for a night. The grandparents' home may not be as spacious as it used to be, but it just makes the family gatherings more cozy. We had good food, good company, and good music, of course.

We also had a nice visit with mom and dad. I especially liked the part where dad surprised me with a brand new bass guitar kit. I had only expected to borrow his for a bit, but I'm a Bateman too so somehow wasn't entirely surprised... oddly... but very thankful! (Thank you again!)

We managed to stop only once on the way back home, just to pick up Casey, and made it to Regina in excellent time. I ended staying up as late as Paul watching PVRd tv shows. It was quite a good day.

I'll be happy to get back to a routine for eating, but I could definitely use a few more days off. The weather did NOT cooperate today -- in fact, we had sleet and the wind picked up quite a lot -- so our lovely leave piles are as-is for now. We'll need to wait a few days for some dryer, calmer weather to come around.

So, back to the grind, I guess. At least it's a short week and Paul's starting his new career tomorrow. Exciting!

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