Friday, October 12, 2012

Boredom & Busyness

You know what's really irksome? Not having a lot of work to do all week and then suddenly having enough to keep me going right until the last minute of the day. I wasn't just working, I was busy! The kind of busy where you end up over-multitasking and forget what you started doing. It's soooo annoying! I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles in the world of HR.

I really do prefer to be busy though. Not only does the day go by quicker, but I tend to feel much more satisfied with my work. For some boredom may breed creativity, but for me it simply makes me feel inadequate, like I'm missing something.

Speaking of being busy, Paul will be working on Saturday to finish off a basement job. It's piece work, as himself (not Gemini). He and J plan to finish it off entirely. Having him out of the house means he won't be bored and I will get to clean without him around. It helps that he's making money doing it.

You know who doesn't get bored? My cats. If they start becoming bored, they just sleep. I wish I could do that...

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