Friday, October 26, 2012


It's Saturday, but I'm writing this short blog for yesterday. Last night was Halloween Party #1: the 3rd Annual at the Koldyk's. It was definitely a better time than last year, even though I didn't enjoy my costume as much!

If you read this blog regularly, you know that I wasn't too thrilled about this year's costume choice. I really, really wanted to continue with our tradition of dressing as a couple or pair. Unfortunately for me, however, Paul decided to pick a character that's counterpart was NOT what I had envisioned  dressing up as. That said, I bought the costume anyway. Needless to say, albeit fairly comfortable overall, I really did not enjoy wearing the wig and mask. I was itchy all night. This is who we dressed as:

Kick-Ass and Hit Girl (from the movie "Kick-Ass")
This is how we looked:

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Not too shabby, right? Aaron Johnson and Chloe Moretz definitely have it going on, but we did alright for ourselves. Yes, I had an itchy head and face, but we got a good reaction from most people at the party.

We have #2 to attend on Saturday night, but Paul's not feeling too well with having a bad cough and some sniffles. I'll leave him at home and go with the girl from work that invited me. It also means I'll get to dress up more sexy, which is what I'd planned the whole time! Sure, I'll reuse a costume from last year, but it will be more comfortable. 

We had fun, met some new people, and enjoyed another Kick-Ass Halloween. :)

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