Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday = Day Before Turkey Day

YAY! It's FRIDAY!!! Not only am I happy it's the weekend, but it's "Gobble Gobble Day" for our family tomorrow. YAY!

I packed up a few things and will finish tonight once I know what Paul wants to wear. We'll only be gone one night, but two full days so as per usual, I'm overthinking my clothing situation. Typical. I decided that I really do hate packing because it stresses me out. Paul's stuff is easy, but I just have too many options.

We're taking the truck because we have a few large items coming back from Manitoba. I'm okay with that except that the Ram doesn't have cruise control. I'm sure Paul will want to drive it most of the time anyway (it's his new baby, don't you know). I really wanted to take my car to show off, but then we wouldn't be able to bring the stuff home that we're picking up.

I'm making a Broccoli Cauliflower Casserole for tomorrow's supper. I even went out of my way to find some gluten free crackers to crush up for the topping. Then I realized that condensed soup contains wheat flour. Hmm. There's nothing I can do about it so if it can't be eaten by the few that don't eat gluten, I guess they'll just have to miss out. I am sorry about it, but I don't have another option at this point. If I'd known a few days ago, I could have looked into it further. Oh well. It's just getting so hard to feel my extended family due to all their food issues... :(

Regardless of all that, I'm still really looking forward to seeing my parents, grandparents, the baby, and the rest. I pray for a nice, sunny day tomorrow and a smooth, uneventful drive. Casey will enjoy herself as usual in Virden, and the cats will have a quiet couple days.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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