Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday: Gangnam Style

It's Friday, it's Friday *insert happy dance here*!!! Have you heard? The weekend is ahead! I'm quite happy about that :)

A total deja vu from last week, today was another busy Friday. I can't believe I was actually bored this week until today, then all of a sudden, I'm working hard, straight until at least 4:00 pm. Hey, I'm not complaining about being busy because not only do I feel more satisfied after putting in a good, hard day's work, it makes the hours go by so much faster. It's just so ironic and weird that it happens at the end of the week lately.

Total change of subject here. Have you heard of "Gangnam Style"? I had heard of it, but apparently was totally out of the loop as I didn't know what it was until the other day. It's basically this Korean pop star named Psy (pron. sigh) that does what I call a "horsey dance" in his music video. I guess it's his trademark dance move. The song is quite catchy, but it's in Korean, obviously, except for the words "Gangnam Style". Apparently Gangnam is district of South Korea (thanks, Wikipedia). Psy must be from there. Go figure.

Well, if you haven't seen the video yet, here it is. I couldn't actually watch the entire thing, but you don't need to to get the idea. The point is, he's a slick looking Korean dude that horsey dances. Enough said.

Have a great weekend, Gangnam Style! HAHA

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