Saturday, June 30, 2012

MIL Day Eight: aka Lake Long Weekend

I got to visit with my dear old grandparents! Too bad we live so far away now, but at least I can fit in a wee chat when we're in the "neighborhood". And I get to see them in a month too!

Unfortunately the boat had some issues we we didn't get it in the water until after dinner. Then a mile away from the cabin, just off the shore of another point on the lake, it died. Good thing dad had a few paddles stored. I definitely burned some calories rowing us away from the rocks to a safe spot. Too bad for us the boat wouldn't start, no matter what, but very lucky us that a (very nice looking) man and his young boy were fishing nearby from their spiffy Glastron and offered to give us a tow.

After more than 90 minutes we arrived at the yacht club and he wouldn't even give us a name for us to pay him back. Thanks, dude! Best that we just pay it forward to another.

A few bug bites and some skin colouring later (thanks Mr/Mrs Sun), we had a nice time regardless of the boat situation.

Friday, June 29, 2012

MIL Day Seven: Tabula Rasa

I forgot to ask Elizabeth how she felt about the drive from Regina to Pelican Lake, but have thought a bit about it now, after the fact. For us, it's just a normal five hour drive. For her, I imagine it felt like longer.

Scotland is known for it's winding roads, fluctuating topography, vast bodies of water, and varied foliage. In five hours (or approximately 400 kilometres), a Scot could go from Inverness in the north to Newcastle on the England border. That's quite a lot of ground. I haven't done that drive in its entirety, but have seen most of it and from experience, can state that the landscape is extremely interesting and always changing.

In the dark for half the journey, Regina to Ninette is an awfully boring drive consisting of straight, long roads, the occasional hill or turn, and millions of bugs committing suicide on our "windscreen". Normal for us, but probably not for a foreigner. At one point I assured her it wasn't much longer, and she sorta laughed and said her father used to say that... but it was never true. Well, it was eventually true for us!

It may be a long drive, but to spend a long weekend at the lake is somewhat of an ideal situation for us Gappers, especially now that we live in a "treeless flat plain (aka tabula rasa) without topographical features other than the small spring run-off Wascana Creek." (Wikipedia)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

MIL Day Six: Retail Therapy

How better to spend a day with another woman than to go shopping? I sure thought it was a good idea, and it proved true.

The MIL has been looking for some matching "pants" (aka panties, underwear, knickers, etc) for her black and white animal print brassiere. What I found out about her is that she's obsessed with underwear. Not just any underwear; it has to match on top and on bottom. Gosh, I have a drawer full of neutral colours (goes with everything!) so can't even imagine what her drawers (pardon the pun) look like.

Since arriving a week ago, she's looked for these pants in every store we've been in that carries lingerie, to no avail. Walmart, Zellers, Winners, Sears, La Vie en Rose, La Senza. Finally, after I made a purchase myself at a neighbouring store, I suggest we take a walk into The Bay for a peek. Sure, everything costs more, but we might as well check. Well, what luck, I found a pair that suited the colour, her size, and her taste for full coverage. Thank God. Then I found out that she owns two pairs of pants for every bra so will continue to look for another pair when we're in any other store. Good Lord!

The weather was beautiful with a warm summer wind. We enjoyed a tasty lunch on the Beer Brothers patio and listened to the open-air lunch hour concert happening just down the way. The day was made only sweeter by me finding some great sales on a few new items of clothing and accessories. To top it all off, she took us out for DQ burgers, fries, and ice cream for supper. Yum!

The pocketbook may be a bit more empty, but we were finally able to do something that we both have an interest in. Retail therapy most always makes me smile, so this day was definitely a good one.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

MIL Day Five: Chicken 'n Ribs

The wind gusted up to 93 km/hr today, all day. It wasn't exactly a day for the beach, so Paul and the MIL didn't end up doing that, even though I suggested they do. I don't blame them! Wearing a dress, I had to tightly hold onto while outside it for fear of showing my lady parts!

I was able to skip out a few hours early to get a head start on my long weekend. Then was our TOPS meeting, but I didn't stay past taking attendance because we had dinner out planned. Can you guess where? Montana's, of course!

We had to make sure that Elizabeth got a taste of our favourite BBQ joint in town. She even ordered the chicken and rib combo. In true Montana's fashion, they didn't skimp on portion size either. I enjoyed my usual, as did Paul. There wasn't even room for dessert.

I found that, as soon as I knew I didn't have work the next day and could relax a little with my schedule, I was more easy going with everything. Let's hope that the next few days are much the same!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

MIL Day Four: Puppy Love

Well it's official, although I guessed it a few days ago: my doggie loves her Granny. Casey loves everyone, true enough, but when they stick around and play with her every day, she adores them even more.

Elizabeth likes animals, thank goodness, so all my babies have become close with her. She gives them affection, so they request it more and more from her. Missy even did her wee pouty bit that we usually put up with at dinnertime, saying "meow, pet me", and the MIL obliged her. How nice for Missy to get all spoiled like that.

I thought of going out to see "Brave" at the theatre tonight, as we didn't have anything to do and it's been so hot and muggy that any outdoor activity was unfavourable. Unfortunately, the show ends later than I'd like to be out for the evening on a work night, so we decided instead to watch something that Paul had downloaded. She picked the film "Paul". If you haven't seen it, it's about an alien and two nerdy English guys. It's pretty funny, I'd say, and she enjoyed it.

Well, the point of the movie story is that, during the show, Casey snuggled up to Elizabeth instead of me, her momma. I was jealous, to be honest, but it shows she really loves her new "mate". The MIL mentioned, when I made a comment about it, that Casey has been cozying up to her each night that she's been here.

Sure I'm a tad envious of the snuggles that I'm not getting, but it's really nice to have the extra help when Casey needs to be played with. I've written before about her energy level and being frustrated at times, so I should enjoy the help while it's here. She never tires of the furries, that's for sure!

Monday, June 25, 2012

MIL Day Three: Slow Food

Today Paul spent the day with his mother while I worked. I hear they visited the RCMP Heritage Centre, Value Village, and had lunch out. Not sure what else they did, but I'm sure they played it easy considering the heat and humidity today. You'd think we lived in Manitoba or something!

Although I try and stay away from eating out from Sunday to Wednesday -- for the simple reason that I don't know how many calories are in the food that's prepared so I can't count them -- but Elizabeth wanted to. Hey, no problem; she was going to buy.

I decided that it would be easiest to find some place near where I work, as there are plenty and I could walk over once finished up at the office. Wet met at the Slow Food Pub and had a nice dinner. I really like their 1/2 pizza and salad combo. Not only a good price, but probably a safe bet for someone not sure about the calorie count. I wasn't full, but was satisfied. Just enough room to add a piece of fruit or some berries at home.

I really am pretty tired today. Not sure why, just am. I'm pretty happy to just climb into bed in the next hour and read my book. It's quite humid still, but at least the sun has set and the wind is still blowing. MIL Day Three was... uneventful for me!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

MIL Day Two: Stranger in My Home

The most interesting part of the MIL's visit is that it's Paul's family spending time in our home, not mine. Other than nine years when we got married, Elizabeth has not visited us. My parents, however, have been in our home many, many times. They know me well, and I them. I have to remember that E simply doesn't know me like my parents or Paul do, so it's quite a different experience having her here.

All I need to do is say, "Paul, tell your mother..." and he does. It's hard to suddenly have someone new in your home and be a good hostess, especially when they don't understand my tendencies and oddities. I'm very glad that he's been more than happy to spend quality time with her, even taking her and Casey to the park tonight. Allowing me some time alone to do the things I do has been a real blessing.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm disliking our visit, because I'm not. I just don't want to hurt any feelings by saying "no thanks" and "it's okay, I'll take care of it". It's almost like having a guest in your house that you've never met because, other than knowing some things about them (or like Paul, having been reared by them), they might as well be a stranger.

So, I just hope our visiting "stranger" is enjoying her time and doesn't think I'm a right b-otch for wanting to do things my way and/or be left alone once in a while! Maybe once she and I get to know each other better, it'll go more smoothly.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

MIL Day One: Complete

It's always hard for me to get used to other people being in my house when they aren't usually. I have my particular ways of going about my day, whether it be during the work week or on the weekend. I clean my way, and cook my way, and grocery shop my way. It's simply out of my element to have others in my home for a stay. I have to remember not to be rude about it, but also make it clear that I'm sorry if I seem bitchy, I just need to do it my way.

The MIL has been really good so far, with nary an occasion where I felt stressed by her presence. The grocery store is my domain, because it's had to be, so with her there and then Paul showing up to tag along, I was a bit overwhelmed a few times. I like to get in and get out as quickly as possible.

I had a busy afternoon prepping for my Jockey party in the evening, and for the church BBQ on Sunday. She spent some time outside enjoying the beautiful day, and I turned down her offers to assist. No worries, she's on vacation and it's easier for me to do the prep work myself.

My party in the evening was a good time, and we had a nice turnout. I even got some great deals on clothing due to the overall sales. I'm looking forward to some new clothes (as any woman would). Elizabeth even had some fun and tried a few things on.

The wine and munchies were tasty, the attendees happy and eager to buy, and the weather lovely for an open-windowed evening. A good time was had, and Day One with the MIL is complete!

Friday, June 22, 2012

She's Here!

Elizabeth arrived in Regina this evening, two minutes ahead of schedule. We were there, ready and waiting with our special, personalized sign:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cleaning up for Mum

Whoa holy mother, Elizabeth will be here tomorrow! There's so much to do and so little time!

Paul was a very good boy for me, considering we lost a good night of work from him due to the one day out of town. I did a decent job on my own, but being tired meant that I didn't do as good a job as normal. He fixed most of them, and painted a whole other coat on the new walls. He also finished up the flooring, and put back some of the trim.

Luckily I was able to get at cleaning the bathrooms, readying Elizabeth's room, and sweeping up the floors. She's an animal person so I'm not too worried about de-furring all my furniture. I'll just be happy if the toilets and sinks look good and all the dishes are put away.

The weather is turning out to be quite spectacular (finally), which is so wonderful to have considering the whole point was to have some Canada summertime with her.

We're both really looking forward to her visit. Not only to spend some quality time with her, but to get all the stories from back home that there never seems to be enough time to share over the phone. I expect it won't seem like it's been four years since we saw her, but will be extremely bittersweet; without Billy, it won't be the same, but at least she can visit much more easily, more often.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

BBQ Contest Up-and-Down

Wow, the TOPS Annual Barbecue contest came to another end. This was the only the 2nd year that I'd been in the chapter to participate, with much different results.

Last year, I was a near-KOPS, almost at my goal weight. Since then, I've been a KOPS and have been putting on and taking off the same three pounds. It was much the same for the six-week contest, even though I've really wanted to take off five to ten more.

I started walking more lately, but must not be eating as well, because I'm not losing anything. I go through spells where I just can't get enough of the crappy food out there and have a hard time staying away. That's when I see no change on the scale.

I'm still working at it, but need to be happy with my current status Otherwise I'll just fail and that simply isn't an option.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in theEarth's atmosphere. It takes the form of a multi-coloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. (Wikipedia)

Casey and I are Paul-less today as he's working out of town and staying overnight to finish it up tomorrow with the other guys. I knew that I'd need to tire her out to be able to get a decent night's sleep, as Paul and her have a different routine than I do. So, we played lots right after I got home, and we went to the big dog park after supper. It had rained quite a bit in the afternoon so I went prepared in my rubber boots.

It spat a little as we walked around, and then the sun started coming out at the exact same time that the rain picked up. I didn't care as I was dressed appropriately, and we weren't anywhere fancy. It didn't rain really hard, just enough that we got decently wet. At one point as I was walking back towards the park entrance, in the direction of the sun, I looked back at Casey behind me. There was a beautiful rainbow appearing. Luckily, even with my cruddy Blackberry camera, I remembered to snap some pictures.

It was raining, although you can't tell, and the sun was
shining through it. Very pretty.

Beautiful rainbow arc.

Love this one with the bike path.

We had a good time, played ourselves out, then dried off and went home. The rainbow was a nice reminder of God's imagination in creating us such beautiful things in nature!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Furballs United!

Buster and Casey are in cahoots. I have every reason to believe that they are out to get us. This is serious, people!

On many occasions Buster has started "playing" with something on the table, just to swat it off onto the floor. Well, Casey just picks it up and runs away with it. I know that they're both laughing inside and are so happy that they "got us good". They're available for adoption effective immediately. Any takers? ... just kidding.

Those two love to hate each other as well. Actually, Casey loves Buster, and Buster hates Casey, so I guess it works. At least she loves running after him and he loves turning around and snarling at her. It's quite comical to watch. I think I have a little video of it somewhere... my apologies if I've shown this video before:

See what I mean? They are mental, cuckoo heads. As long as Buster doesn't give anything to Casey that's of worth, I'll probably get over it. Tonight he swatted our international calling card to her. I sorta need that, so Paul ran after her to grab it. Crisis averted, no worries. Good thing I love the darned furballs.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a Rib-Eating Moose!

Wow, what a whirlwind weekend. Kid-sitting, swimming, ice cream cake, and a birthday outing. And it rained AGAIN. No surprise there, but just so away already!

We were able to have an evening off for Paul's birthday and went to Montana's with friends J & P. Paul's beef ribs were HUMONGOUS but he ate them wholeheartedly, of course. And he polished off two beer schooners (just imagine a giant-sized beer mug). I guess I gotta let the old guy enjoy his birthday :) Look what happened when we were there:

We let the server know it was his birthday, so they all came out and "sang" him a birthday song and he had to wear the moose hat. LOL. He was so not happy about it, but it was a good time and he'll look back and laugh. Trust Montana's to make your day special!

To top it all off, there was a little fair right across from the restaurant, like a mini version of the Summer Fair, so we had a walk around it. I even got some mini donuts :) YUM. Not that I needed them after filling up on dinner, but I can't say no to those things. All-in-all it was a good night.

Today was more relaxing, and Paul primed the walls because he's all finished with the drywall and mudding. I'm really looking forward to it being done, especially because Elizabeth will arrive in a mere five days' time. I trust it will all be done by then, with time to spare. Anyone want to come help me clean my filthy house now? :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sunny, Funny Saturday

The kids and I were very busy on Saturday. I'm glad the sun was shining and temperature was pleasant enough for us to spend some time outside.

After a simple breakfast and some more puppy playtime, we headed out. First stop was to gas up the car. The kids brought along their stuffed toys so kept themselves busy. Then we stopped by their house to get some decent clothing.

That was the funny part: their bags were packed TERRIBLY. I mean, I don't have kids, but I would pack them, at minimum, a toothbrush, clean pair of underwear and socks, pyjamas, and one each of shorts, pants, t-shirt, and jacket. That ensures they're prepared for all types of weather, but have clean clothes to change into. Let's just say, they both got up and put on exactly what they were wearing the day before. Paul tries to do the same thing, so maybe it's just me, but I was mortified. Blame this on their loving uncle (sorry, J)!

So yeah, I made them both strip down and put on clean clothes. Then we went shopping at Value Village. I thought it would be fun to get them something "new" for summer, and would take up some time in the day. Both kids got a new outfit and a book. Then they got to enjoy a a Happy Meal and some playtime.

Their favourite part of the day followed some more playtime at a small park outside a local leisure centre: we went swimming! My eyes were burning from the chlorine, and I was soooo tired from not sleeping enough (oh, by the way, I had to deal with TWO nose bleeds, one occurring at 2:00 am), but they got well-played out. The ride back to their grandparents' house was very quiet. One kid even fell asleep :) BAM. Job well done, Dana!

I'm not interested in kid-sitting again soon, but we could do it if we had to. They were a lot of work, but we had a good time.

Here are some pictures of our day:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Kid-Friendly Friday

I picked up the kids Friday after work, and after dealing with some terrible traffic jams due to construction on a major roadway. We played with the dog (well, one of them did) and I cooked up some kid-friendly food. Then we played with the dog again and watched a movie. Luckily, it was after 9:00 by that time, so we sent the rugrats to bed so we could also get some sleep *yawn* what an evening. Maybe if they were my own I'd be less tired, but they were a lot of work.

That's about it for this blog! There's more to come for our Saturday.

Worse part of Friday: having to get out of bed
Best part of Friday: Chocolate Extreme DQ Blizzard Cake for birthday dessert!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Me Old Man

Wow, my old man is getting OLD! Tomorrow he will turn 37. Time sure flies. I met him when he was 27, so a lot of time has passed already.

How has he changed in the last ten years, you ask? In these ways:

  • he's greyer
  • he's fatter
  • he's smellier
  • he's got more road rage
  • he cuddles less
  • he's stronger
  • he's smarter
  • he makes more money

And how is he the same?

  • he still loves meat
  • he still loves pasta
  • he still dislikes vegetables
  • he still doesn't know when I hide certain things in his food...
  • he still loves furry animals
  • he's still addicted to his computer
  • he still doesn't know English

Gotta love the guy though. He did move all the way to Canada to be with yours truly!

Here's to you, Pauly, and to many, many more years of your griping and complaining :p HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

***note: my post title is not a typo. Paul talks like that, "me wee wifey", "me dog", "me house", etc.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Parents for a Day

My cousin and his wife are out of town this week, from Wednesday until Sunday or Monday. They went to Los Angeles and left their two children back in Reginaland for their wonderful extended family to take care of. That means us. Luckily, only one 24 hour stint though.

Friday after work is the beginning of our parenting adventure. Since it's Paul's birthday that day, we'll try and have a fun supper. As long as the weather is good, we'll barbecue or light up the fire pit and cook some hot dogs. I'll also make some kid-friendly Kraft Dinner and husband-friendly oven fries. Hopefully everyone's happy. I'm sure the dog will even get a hot one out of it.

I plan to get the kids out of the house on Saturday to allow Paul to continue on our little renovation. Elizabeth (M.I.L.) will arrive in a week, so we need to get it done, including paint and flooring. I have faith though! As long as we get out of Paul's way, he'll be productive.

We'll see how the weekend goes with the kids. They are four and six, rather than babies, so at least they can fend for themselves in many ways. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I.T. Irks

You know what really irks me? When there are major technical issues with software, and it's hard to get your point across to the dudes that can help fix it.

I'm not racist, at all, but I have an issue with the fact that 99% of our technical support staff are Indian. You know, from India. They are wonderful, kind, caring people, with excellent customer service, however they are not only difficult to understand but it's also hard to explain my issues to them.

It really doesn't matter what the specifics are, I've just been struggling lately with the I.T. in our company and the lack of success I get using it. With the acquisition creating lots of new stresses every day, it would be nice to have a system that works like a top. Wishful thinking, I suppose. Who knows, maybe the new guys will want us to use some completely different software. Yay.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Farewell Digital Friend

Well, after eight good years, we said goodbye to our membership. While living in Brandon, we got a lot of use out of the DVDs, but since moving to Regina we just haven't. The main reason is that we now have things to do to keep us busy, both during the week and on the weekend. It's also easier to just download a movie when we want it or rent from the On-Demand. And cheaper.

A year or so ago I changed our membership so it cost less and we had fewer movies to watch and return. I still ended up with two DVDs to watch and no time to watch them. I try to not just sit around watching TV or movies as much anymore because the habit is what got me lazy and fat.

I'm actually watching our last one right now as I write this -- Coco Avant Chanel -- because I got a nasty email from Zip saying I'd better mail back the ones I have out or they'll charge my account for the full cost. Fine then! But it was quite the effort for me to sit down and just watch a movie for 110 minutes, rather than doing something on the computer or finding something on the TV or just reading a book.

I'm somewhat sad to no longer have the membership, since it's been so long that we've had it, but I think the liberation from constantly having to remember to watch and return DVDs will be sweeter.
Sent from my BlackBerry

Sunday, June 10, 2012

M.I.L. Time: T-Minus 12 Days

In just under 12 days' time, my dear mother-in-law Elizabeth will arrive in our fair city. I'm looking forward to it, and I imagine she is as well. It's been nine years since she was in Canada, and that was with Paul's dad for our wedding.

The trip itself may be somewhat stressful for her being that she's doing it alone and coming such a long way, but it's extremely long overdue. Billy was simply too large to travel such a distance, so (albeit unfortunately) now that he's gone, we're quite pleased she's coming for the visit.

I have a number of things already planned. We are busy people, you should know, and that won't change with her being here! I hope we all have a great time.

I'm just now trying to figure out what sort of funny thing we should put on a poster board for at the airport. The Scots are extremely sarcastic and rude (in a funny, non-mean way) so we definitely need a sign so she knows who's waiting for her. You know, like in the movies where all the car drivers have signs with the people's last names on them. I want one that says, "Auld Bag". Please, laugh at that because she will! I'll need to capture it on video and post it on here. *tee hee*

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Words of Encouragement

As we drove back to Regina from the bustling metropolis of Silton, SK (see pic below) after attending a birthday party/get-together barbecue of some church friends, I read an email I'd received on my Blackberry. It was from someone dear to me and included some very heartfelt words. A few tears even welled up in my eyes from her honesty.

It was a personal e-mail but I will say that the topic was regarding motherhood and choices we make in life. I appreciated the words more than I can express. The part that continues to make me teary-eyed speaks about seeking God's advice in life decisions. I can't agree more and had to thank her in a reply note for her words of encouragement. They may not have been meant to encourage me, but they did.

I consider myself to be very accepting of others and the decisions they make, whatever they may be. Regardless what one does with their life, if they are truly happy and don't have any regrets, than the decisions made must be right. I'm going to remember I said that more often when I'm feeling low, because no matter what, it's not worth it if I'm not completely happy.

Friend, thanks again for your honesty and support. Now here's that map of where Silton is located. Quite a nice little drive, actually. On the opposite side of that skinny lake is the well-known Regina Beach. We'll need to get out there this summer.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ouch! Ahhhhhh...

I've been seeing a massage therapist again. So far it's been three sessions. This is since I stopped going to my chiropractor/acupuncturist/laser therapist because one of those benefit ran out. Not only that but I wasn't getting any better from his therapy. There really is no point is wasting a benefit when it's not fixing my problem.

So I went back to where I started, Cathedral Sport Massage, to see if some deep muscle manipulation would help. I do feel better after seeing my therapist (the fourth one I've seen at that clinic), so I'll continue to go once or twice a week as long as my condition improves.

I can't remember if I've written about my problem, so in case you're wondering what the heck is wrong with me, I'll tell you. It's a combination of repetitive strain and (what we think is) an injury that caused my right arm/shoulder to spasm one morning, rendering it nearly useless. I can use it, but I have constant issues with my shoulder, neck, and arm. Thus the therapy.

My chiropractor and I would joke that the only thing that would truly help would be to stop working, because work was making it remain "injured". Then I would say that I should just get pregnant... oh wait, that wouldn't work. Not only would I need to WANT a baby, I'd need to be able to pick it up. Hmm. Guess that won't work! *LOL*

Anyway, the massage feels good after the pain subsides. I laugh about it because when I began getting therapeutic massages, the pain was quite intense and I would only feel better after it was over. Now I actually get the endorphin rush during the pain. What can I say, I've become quite the massage masochist!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


It's been raining a lot lately. Makes me remember what our yard looked like last spring after all the snow melted and we discovered it was low.

And then I recall our first summer in Regina, in our hood-house, when there was record rainfall levels. We were over at some friends' home and it just started down-pouring. It came down so fast that the streets flooded around the corners. A few stupid young people even started running around in the puddles without their shoes on. When we arrived back at our shack, we found water seeping in the basement from the sidewalk outside. Stupid, stupid, stupid horribly nasty hood house. We spent the next few hours pumping water into the sump hole and moving around boxes that had gotten wet. Yuck. I wish I'd taken a few pictures.

The winter that created the muckhole backyard as seen above came after that summer of rain. I'm not surprised so many city residents had claims for water damage in their homes that spring. All we had was some seepage that we cleaned up on our own. Now we continually run a dehumidifier in the basement from spring through fall.

So with all this rain, all I can hope for is that it goes away soon because I don't wish to be living in another muck hole!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Getting the Hang of It

My Weight Recorder job is getting easier as time goes on. Instead of tallying up the month's results all in one shot on the weekend, I got about three weeks done for the Official book in the first three weeks of May. It's not a lot of work, that part, but I found some things I didn't have so it gave me time to gather the info.

This past weekend I still spent about 1-2 hours preparing for awards night, but I wasn't as stressed about it. There were a lot of awards given out this month, and we have a few new members to add in to the bunch, but I'm getting the hang of it.

I'll tell ya, it sure makes my job easier when I'm happy doing it! Thanks to my awesome chapter members and their fantastic weight losses, I'm more than pleased to be able to award them for their hard work. When they gain weight and are struggling, I struggle with them. Truly. I am as frustrated as they are, so successes make me quite elated.

I'm still having a hard time with getting to the meetings due to my carpool situation, and am quite stressed over feeling pressure to be there on time, ready to weigh people in. I realize we have lots of members, but I'd rather be busy for a straight hour if I didn't stress about getting to the meeting itself. We'll see how it goes but I may need to discuss my issues with our leader.

For now, I'm happy to support my fellow members while I try and take a few more pounds off my own tuchus.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Praise God...

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7 

Dear Jesus:

Thank you for all that you have been, are, and will be. Thank you for the blessings you give us and the strength you instill. Thank you dying on the cross for us!

Love from, a cheerful giver and faithful servant.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Baby Shout-Out

A friend of mine from high school just gave birth to her first baby, a daughter she and her husband named Savannah. This is nothing new (that all my high school friends are having babies), but this is the funny part: she just began her maternity leave on Saturday. Yep, she worked right up to a week before her due date, then gave birth early.

This was surprising at first, and I laughed at loud, but then I realized how truly unsurprising it really was. "J" was always extremely determined in everything she did. She would ensure that the job was done, and well. Her father is much the same. I guess I used to think I was a lot like her, and I still am, but certain things like having a baby not two days after going on leave is nuts!

Here's a shout-out to my dear friend, with whom I shared many a laugh (and high school crush). Congratulations to you and your Mister, on the birth of your very hairy, beautiful baby girl!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Curious Like a Cat

I've been wanting to write this particular blog for quite some time but have been afraid of being judged. I'm not sure why I care, because it's my blog and I can darn well say what I want, but I don't want to be taken the wrong way.

All I've wanted to share is that there's a certain reality television show that I quite enjoy watching. No, not Jersey Shore (if it was, I wouldn't blame you for judging me!). It's Sister Wives. Now, before you jump on me for saying that, I don't believe that polygamy is the "right" way to live, it's just something I am open to learning more about.

Like most reality television, the point is that you can get a look into someone else's real life. Lots of people are sick of all the reality shows out there, but they're so popular because they involve stuff we can't even imagine ourselves doing or being or living like. I truly enjoy spending 30-60 minutes learning about something I'm ignorant of. It's not just for the water cooler chat; I like to be informed.

I was brought up a certain way, believing in certain ideas, and I still believe in them. I'm just open to others' ideas and accept them for that. I'm not interested in converting them to my beliefs unless they are open to it. For the Browns (the family in Sister Wives), they are Christians who simply believe in a different lifestyle. Their struggles are different from mine, and I'll never fully understand them, but I appreciate them opening up their homes to allow me to learn a bit more about them.

These people are also God's creatures, regardless of their choices, so although I don't condone what they do, I will accept them for who they are... and keep tuning in Sunday nights at 7:00 pm on TLC... Maybe it's just my "cat nature". You know, always curious ;)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Delightful Demolition

Shortly after moving in to our house 18 months ago, we decided that we wanted to open up the area that passes from the living room/front entrance to the dining room/kitchen. Nothing major, just opening up the archways on both sides of the hall. Later on, we decided that the broom closet wasn't actually necessary for our needs so eliminating it also would give even more space. We just needed to get some other things done before we could tackle the job.

When I say we, I really mean Paul, obviously. I can't (and don't want to) do demolition or rebuilding. I'd rather tend to the pets and ensure my man has food and drink to give him the energy to keep working.

You gotta let your hard-working man enjoy renovations once in a while, so step one of this job -- DEMOLITION! The plan is to have everything done for when Paul's mom arrives in a few weeks, but if it can't be, that's alright. as long as we can progress on the job, I'll be okay with that.

Here are a few pictures of what's happened so far. Look for more soon!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Blessings in Disguise

Whoa, June 1st, where has the year gone?! The weather has finally turned, and it looks like we'll have a nice, pleasant weekend. That's right, I'm still staying positive and upbeat :)

My sore throat went away (thanks for the thoughts and/or prayers)... for a day. Then a stuffy/runny nose appeared. Oh well. The good news is, I don't feel very sick so will probably get over this one fairly fast.

Not being contacted to help with Mosaic was actually a blessing in disguise. Now we can plan for yard and housework, and some more house renovations. If I don't have to be out of the house on my feet, I can hang around sans makeup (or nearly), doing some puppy sitting and cooking for my man-slave to get him to do work for me. Sounds like a pretty decent plan!

Paul's even been working some overtime this week, so with the added costs (yet again) for the renos, we'll be able to afford it :)

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