Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh the Joys of Tanning

Mmmmmmm. That tan was nice :) and warm :) and the lotion smells so good :) Mmmmmmm

Okay okay, I realize that tanning is not good for my skin, but the absolute worst thing I can imagine to happen while on my Mexican vacation (other than getting beat up and left in an elevator...) is getting a sun burn. I already know I'll be lying out on the beach for hours on end, so this self-tanning prior to then will help me get a good base. Don't worry, I use sunblock when I go to the beach, I'm not stupid. I'm also not naturally dark-skinned so if I didn't pre-tan, I'd be a hot tomato after only a few hours!

Did you know:

-On an average day in the United States, more than 1 million people tan in tanning salons.
-Nearly 70 percent of tanning salon patrons are Caucasian girls and women, primarily aged 16 to 29 years.
-Nearly 28 million people tan indoors in the United States annually. Of these, 2.3 million are teens.
-In 2010, the indoor tanning industry’s revenue is estimated to be $2.6 billion.

I specifically recall a certain gentleman's hot-red skin after his first full day on the beach. All I can say is, "ouch"! Many, many people don't consider pre-tanning as part of their vacation regimen, but I sure do. Even Paul participates.

The only two things I don't like about tanning are the cost and the sweat generated. I hate sweating. And I hate having to fork over so much cash just to get a good base tan. But all-in-all, once I've spent a few days on vacation, it is so very worth it.

I'm looking forward to Thursday already! Mmmmmmmmm.....

Pi of the day: 3.1415926535897932384626

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again

It may not be Christmas anymore, but our family friend's original song titled "It's That Time of Year Again" popped into my head today. It may refer to Christmas, but it seemed to suit the fact that it's now tax season. Here's the main chorus:

"It's that time of year again
That special time of year again
It's that time of year again
There's magic in the air."

I'm not so sure there's any magic in my air, but it sure is a "special" time. I find it most frustrating trying to collect all my tax receipts so I can actually get to filing. Especially since Paul changed jobs last August, and we had trouble just getting his record of employment. I'll have to give them a call because they probably sent it to our old address. Go figure.

Once I have all my paperwork ready, the rest is pretty simple. A few years ago a friend of mine helped me file my taxes online. Wow, was it ever cheap and fairly easy! My aunt always said I should do it on my own but it wasn't until we had to fork over $200 to a local firm that I decided we would no longer be paying someone else to do them. I think that the only way I'd pay someone to do them for me is if I owned a business. Otherwise, filing personal taxes sure doesn't require rocket science.

You know what I find most funny about tax season? The number of people that don't file on time and have to incur a penalty. How dumb is that? Seriously. If you're given two months, what's the problem? I even have people asking for 2010 T4s at work, as if they didn't need to ask for it a year ago... really?

We sure do keep busy at this time of year though. Before becoming employed in payroll, I had no idea how much work was involved in getting the data together. You'd be surprised how many errors had to be fixed and how little things can affect the year-end result. I'm not personally involved with T4 generation, but I see my co-workers working their little butts off to meet a deadline. I have total faith that they'll get it done in time, but I'm glad I don't have to do it. This year anyway...

For now, I'll just get my own stuff together and hope for a nice return!

A piece of pi (no taxes included!): 3.141592653589793238462

Sunday, January 29, 2012


So last night at the 113th Annual Son's of Scotland Robbie Burns Dinner, I was mistaken for Rachel McAdams. Yes, the Rachel McAdams. To be honest, I was quite flattered, but that's a new one! I never spoke to the girl who thought I looked like her, but Paul did and reported this information back to me. I'm not really where she gets the resemblance, but it was a nice thought! What do you think?

I've always hoped to be mistaken for Julia Roberts. She's, tall, beautiful, interesting, well-rounded, talented, and sure of herself. I even have a picture of her on my vision board, with the Academy Award she won for "Erin Brockovich" in 2001. There was just something about her I was drawn to many years ago. Rachel is more like the little sister version of Julia.

I recall feeling that I could look like her, when I had longer hair in 2002 and was vacationing in the Dominican with a friend. The humidity did wonders for my naturally-wavy hair and I couldn't get the picture of Julia in "My Best Friend's Wedding" out of my head. I have even coloured it like she did.

It would be fun to have a career as a celebrity look-alike. Did you know that in 1920 Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest? He didn't even make it to the finals. No kidding! Maybe I could make it as a body-double... oh wait, that requires I'd also have to take all the hits! Eek! Nevermind.

Well either way, if I'm mistaken for a celebrity or not, I know I look a helluva lot better than I did 18 months ago, so I hope it happens more often! It sure makes a girl feel good about herself. (On a side note, I'm watching the SAG Awards while writing this and you want to know who showed up onscreen in a clip of her new movie? Miss Rachel McAdams, of course.)

No pi today because this is actually the 2nd blog I've written today to catch up... gimme a day to "eat" the other one!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Paying it Forward

It never really meant anything to me at the time, but in the past few years I'm often drawn back to the movie "Pay it Forward". What does paying it forward mean, and how can I do it?

The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead. In contract law, typically there are two parties but there is the concept of third party beneficiaries. Pay it forward merely applies this contract law concept so that third party beneficiary be a stranger to the creditor. More specifically, the creditor offers the debtor the option of "paying" the debt forward by lending it to a third person instead of paying it back to the original creditor. Debt and payments can be monetary or by good deeds.

Have you ever payed it forward? I feel like I do every time I reorganize the milk fridges at Superstore. Okay, this might be a stretch, but I keep hoping that people will see that I'm trying to do a good deed by helping them better find the milk they're looking for. I'm also hoping that they see what I do then start doing it too. 

Occasionally I hear stories from my Facebook friends about good deeds. One discovered money in their mailbox. Another had their coffee paid for by another drive-thru customer. In these examples, the receivor didn't know the person that helped them out, and I think that's actually the problem with society today. Why is it so difficult to do something openly good for another person if they know you're doing it? Will they feel that they need to give us something back for it? Is it simply more rewarding if only we know we've done something but they don't know we did?

There was one occasion when I came across a couple at the grocery store when putting away my cart. They were fishing around looking for a dollar to rent the cart, but couldn't find one. Really, what's a dollar in the grand scheme of things? Obviously I gave them the cart to use. It wasn't a big deal, but they were visibly happy that I would do it. I remember thinking that more people should do little things like that, because the little things really add up in the end.

If 1 in every 10 people did something for another without needing something back, there would be over seven hundred million good deeds floating around the world. Now doesn't that sound nice? I think so. I think that the idea of Paying it Forward is important today in that you should do something for another, but they also need to remember that deed and do the same for someone else. It would just keep going and going. 

Whether or not my fridge rearrangement is considered "paying it forward", I will still consider it as my deed to society each week :)

A pi a day for Sunday: 3.14159265358979323846

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Lazy Friday

6:00 am - woke up to Paul's alarm clock.
6:01 am - went back to sleep
6:30 am - woke up again just to make sure Paul had gotten out of bed to get up for work. He hadn't. Told him to get up.
6:32 am - potty break
6:33 am - went back to bed
8:30 am - decided that, although staying in bed all day might be fun, my back was sore so getting up was probably a good idea
9:00 am - finished eating a yummy breakfast and took Casey out to play/go potty
9:10 am - got comfy on the couch to watch the movie "Precious" (really good movie, but beware of the language if you want to see it)

...some time later, between potty breaks, playing and such...

12:30 pm - ate lunch
12:45 pm - got comfy on the couch again to watch the movie "Archangel", based on a book I read a few years ago (the book was WAY better than the movie, like, way to cram a 300 page book into a crummy 120 minute movie people!) I had a short nap somewhere in there...

3:00 pm or so... - more potty breaks and playtime then got comfy on the couch yet again to watch the movie "Moneyball", and do a little price checking on Mexico vacations (this was a good movie, especially if you like baseball)
4:30 pm - puppy potty break and play outside
4:40 pm - Paul unexpectedly shows up, home from work. I thought he'd be much later because he was sent out of town. Guess not late after all!
5:00 pm - make the old man dinner and clean up the kitchen. My job is never done, even on my day off...
5:30 pm - make myself some dinner and eat it while watching the rest of "Moneyball"
6:40 pm - head downstairs for Friday Night Family Time to watch "our" shows
10:00 pm - go to bed!

Wow, what a day. You know what though, I definitely couldn't do it every day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday a.k.a. Friday

I worked really, really hard this week to ensure I could take a day off. Finally. *insert sigh of relief* Happy Friday to me!

E-mail set to "out of office": check. Voicemail set to "extended absence greeting": check. Backup person selected to check the group inbox: check. TV shows a-plenty to catch up on tomorrow: check, check! All I can say is, it shall be grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

So two more awesome things happened today, after my Random Awesomeness blog was written yesterday. Boooooooo. Oh well, I'll share them anyway!

1. This morning I received an e-mail from the CPA (payroll association) to say I had completed all requirements required to apply for my PCP certification. YAY! I promptly went to their website to do so, of course!

2. This afternoon I received my official transcript in the mail. Nice timing, CPA! Sweet! I knew my marks after writing each exam, but it's nice to have the paperwork to prove it.

Soon I'll have the official, OFFICIAL word that I'm a PCP. Hopefully sooner than later considering I'm tired of waiting. Not only that but all this waiting is making me tired *yawn*. Then I'll have a few months to ponder my future in payroll, as there aren't any more courses available in Regina for the spring. I only need three more, but a few will be tough, so I have to really want it in order to spend the time required to get them finished. I don't doubt for a second that I'm capable of it, I just don't want the stress if it's not absolutely necessary or I feel it will be worthwhile. Makes sense, right? I'm not 20 anymore... I don't exactly want to spend the rest of my life taking college classes. I realize there will always be education in my life, I just don't want to spend all my time doing it. 

Pi-a-li-a-ding-dong...here's 19 decimal places: 3.1415926535897932384

In case any of you were wondering (or doubting), yes I really am memorizing it. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Random Awesomeness

What to say... what to say... I'm tired and sore and it's about 15 minutes before I'd like to go to bed... hmmm. Okay, I'll list the awesome things that happened today:

1. I didn't slide into the ditch on the way to work today while driving on a slick, just-been-freezing-rained-on Ring Road. Yay!

2. I found a sweet parking spot less than a block from the building. Yes!

3. My willpower managed to keep me away from the chocolate truffles. Right on!

4. I (almost) got everything done that was on my desk today. Woot!

5. I signed up to park in the boss's spot for a few days while she's away in Australia. Bingo!

6. For whatever reason, it wasn't as cold in the office this afternoon so I didn't freeze. Ha!

7. I left 15 minutes early today... because I can. Booyah!

8. I got to pull 92.1 FM's "5 o'clock work whistle" on the way home today, and won dinner out at East Side Mario's. Shabam!

9. I gained weight this week... but get to keep my travelling gift because I'm still under goal. Oh yeah!

10. Some really nice TOPS friends wrote me some really nice, inspirational cards. :) Amen!


Night all. Have a piece of pi for me today, eh? :p

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I know that cats and dogs don't understand much English, but I like to think they do. It's way more interesting when I'm having a conversation with them to believe they know what I'm saying, rather than admit I shouldn't be having a conversation with a cat.

On Saturday at Casey's last obedience class, the instructor brought up the fact that dogs only associate with the sound words make when we say them, not a string of words in a sentence. Learning that, I immediately altered my training regimen to enforce the same words repetitiously in order for her to learn my commands better. I started leaving out unnecessary words like, "okay" and "the", when all I need to say is "free", and "ball". I found that doing this has already worked, so we're going to keep on it.

Now regarding the cats, I still believe they speak to me. When I start petting Buster's sweet spot on his back and he goes "mrawm", it sounds like "mom". Seriously! Missy does it too, just in a sweeter voice. So because this is extremely interesting to me, I figured my friend Wikipedia could probably shed some light. This is what I learned:

A meow is a sound used by cats to signal a request to their mother or to a human being. Adult cats do not meow to each other, and so the meowing to human beings that domesticated cats exhibit is likely partly an extension of the use by kittens of this plaintive signal.

Well I'll be! It signals a request "to their mother"! Since I consider myself to be such person, this makes a lot of sense! I know it doesn't mean that they carry on conversations with me, but I like to feel needed and that they know who I am :)

Do you have a chatty cat or dog? What do you think they're saying? I realize that many times the chatter can be due to something they need, especially with the cats. Casey barks a lot, but it's usually because she's not happy about something, whether it be that we're not throwing her the ball or she can't get outside to chase the taunting squirrel.

I guess the point is, I'm probably a very typical pet-parent who talks to their "kids" often and as if they are human beings. I'd be just plain mean if I didn't want to converse with them and treated them like mere animals!

My piece of pi today: 3.141592653589793238

Monday, January 23, 2012

Kill Them With Kindness

Why is it that some people can make our lives so much harder than they need to be? Is it a test of my patience or just an awfully horrible personality trait?

There's a particular woman I work with, not closely, but we do work together on some things occasionally. She's not in Saskatchewan, so most dealings are via telephone or e-mail. When I first started my job, I learned quickly just how to work with her so that we could maintain the peace and get along. It appears that lately, however, for whatever reason, she's been a little stressed. I can understand, it's just been a little more difficult lately for me to be patient.

Currently we're trying to work through a specific technical situation that impacts my payroll (not my payroll but the one I process, rather). There are deadlines and the issue will simply not be fixed in time. I need her to approve something and there's an easy workaround, but she was making it so difficult to understand that. Even today, after I spoke with a fellow coworker about the issue in regards to the timeline for it to be rectified, she made it like we weren't doing our jobs. I sent an email to discuss what needed to be done, and reassured her that it would still be worked on but in the meantime, I would have to send her something for the temporary solution. She called me up and not only had a problem with it not being fixed, but she didn't like that I'd included her admin in the email and couldn't send her the link "just-so" (in my defense, the admin had been copied in her email to me)

I really feel like I've been the utmost courteous and professional with her, even apologizing for the situation and that I'd included Ms. Admin in the email. I jump over hurdles for her, but only because she basically makes me feel like I have to. I don't dislike her on a personal level nor do I dislike working with her; I'm just frustrated that she's been taking out her stress on me. I have to ensure that employees are paid accurately and timely, and she sure is making it difficult for me to do so.

It would have been so easy to make it like it was all her fault and be totally honest with her, but I can't do that, so I just keep smiling and saying nice things and apologizing, even when it's not my fault. She's one of those people you have to "kill with kindness", as my ex-manager would say. So be it.

Pi today = 3.14159265358979323

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Losing Weight... and Keeping it Off

Weight loss sure is difficult. It took me 353 days to lose enough to make it to my goal -- a predetermined number based on my beginning weight and BMI -- and it's been 177 more to attempt to keep it off. 

There's really not much to say about my journey in the first year. I moved to Regina to make a change, and decided that weight loss was included in that. I joined TOPS on August 11, 2010 and never looked back. Through some exercise (in the first 4 months, anyway) and a change in my overall food choices and eating behaviours, I lost over 40 pounds and have stayed within my "leeway" for nearly six months.

Save for six weeks immediately following reaching my goal (okay, maybe I celebrated that achievement a tad too much...) I've been at or below it since. This isn't an easy feat, however. Imagine being skinny and not having to worry, at all, about what you eat. Now imagine being fat, losing weight, than having to remember that just because you look like you can eat whatever you want, you really can't. That's basically how it goes. Even though I've lost it, I still have to (and want to!) maintain it. The healthy choices will never change. 

So, what do I do to keep it off, you ask? Well, Sunday through Wednesday afternoon I really watch what I put in my mouth and keep in mind the calories for each day. I don't actually count them, but I'm aware of approximately how much I'm eating. I know I have to stay within 1200-1500 per day to lose a little before weigh-in. Each Wednesday night my dinner the rule is, "if you want to eat it, eat it." I make that choice regardless if I gained or lost or stayed the same that week. If I don't enjoy myself, I can't continue to do it. I also eat more than "normal" on Thursday and Friday for lunch. If I want to buy a wrap for lunch, rather than eat my usual, I do. Or if I want to have a bigger dinner, than I do. I just have to be aware that the calories add up and if I do want a good number on Wednesday, I can't be stupid. It's about the overall choices you make that will make the difference.

This might sound really harsh, but it works for me and I feel really good about it. It's very structured, and I still get to enjoy myself. I truly enjoy the food I eat on the days I'm limiting my intake, otherwise it wouldn't be any fun and I wouldn't be doing so well. It also helps to attend my TOPS meetings each Wednesday to remind me why I do what I do, and why I have to continue to do it. I enjoy being a role model of sorts for other group members struggling to lose the weight.

I'm happy where I am right now, at 3 pounds below my goal weight, but am trying to lose just a little more. It's nice to have the extra leeway to enjoy myself when I want to. Also, it costs WAY too much to buy a whole new wardrobe (I know that for a fact!) and since I got rid of all my "fat clothes", I ain't going back there!

New week, new pi: 3.1415926535897932

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Ramblings

My Saturday started off with a frustrating half-hour of Obedience class with Casey... followed by a very productive half-hour of Obedience class with Casey. She sure has a strong will, that precious pup-pup of  ours, but when she "gets it", she makes me proud. The instructor (who was subbing for two weeks for our usual girl who's on vacation in Vegas) has some techniques I like quite a bit. They involve constant repetition until the dog understands, and Casey was no exception. She is learning to stay, albeit slowly, but I'm very proud of her successes so far.

Then the task at hand was to go grocery shopping. You might think I'm crazy to do that on a Saturday morning, but our Superstore is so big and opens so many lines up for checking out that I don't find it bad at all. It's hard to find a long lineup at our store, so I feel quite spoiled, even on Saturdays. I even got a free Club Pack of chicken fingers out of that trip! Woot!

I got some help unpacking, then I was able to make up a little snack for "lunch" and settle down to catch up a bit on some TV. NY Ink has been pretty interesting. I'm enjoying the new group of tattooers Ami James hired in New York, both for their personalities and their artwork. 

We decided to go out on a date today: to a movie then to dinner. Much to our chagrin, we discovered once arriving at the theatre that their copy of Mission Impossible had incurred some damage and now has visible scratches throughout the film. After humming and hawing it over, even though it was only 3:20 pm, we decided to just go for dinner first and think about the movie for after. Nothing else started for over an hour, and we didn't want to wait that long. We also didn't want to go to the theatre in the south end because the seating isn't so great (it's not an updated theatre like the Normanview one). 

So, we just went for dinner at Montana's, pretty much our favourite place to go. All-in-all, it was a nice meal. Paul even beat me at X's and O's :p

Then we decided that we would just go home. So much for a dinner and movie date! HAHA. We had a few movies we could watch at home anyway, so why not. We already had our snacks ready, so we decided on Puss in Boots. Of course the downloaded copy Paul found was a dud (the sound sucked) so we chose a different one instead. Unless you're looking for a really off-the-wall "B" movie, don't bother watching Greenberg. I thought it was just o-k, but Paul nearly fell asleep. Oh well. At least the episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter that we watched afterwards was a good one. 

Then it was nighty-night. Not a bad day overall.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Seriously, I could not be more happy that it's Friday and I am going to (attempt to) forget about work for two days. 

Tonight is "Fringe" night. Great show, but I hear it may be coming to an end after this season. Uber bummer. Paul got me into by accident: he downloaded Season One a few years ago and I just happened to look at his computer one night as I walked by him, so see what he was watching. I was like, "whoa, what are they doing? What is that show?" He figured since I was interested, I might as well just get into it and watch the entire season. So, I did and it was awesome and we've watched it on Friday nights together ever since. Notable actors: Josh Jackson (from Dawson's Creek and the Mighty Duck movies), and (for you LOTR fans, the Steward of Gondor: Denethor) John Noble.To this day I don't really care for the main female character Olivia (played by Anna Torv), as I think her acting is really fake, but she's part of the show, and Paul likes her. Meh.

As usual, Casey will attempt to annoy the crap out of us while we watch it in the basement, followed by some attempted licking of my entertainment unit, followed by a bathroom break and play outside. Then we'll finish watching our shows and I can go to bed. Mmmmmmm. Bed *smile*.

Yummy dinner eaten: check
TV shows prepped for tonight: check
Barking dog: as usual, check
Blog written: .....check!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A TPHD for a (nearly) PCP

So, the meeting today went well overall. I am getting the TPHD (Temporary Promotion to Higher Duties) so I can officially start saying I'm a Payroll Analyst. It's retroactive to December 1, so that means back-pay and a refund on my union dues (the position is out-of-scope). As it's only until February 29, we'll have to see what awaits me after that date. Regardless of what does happen, I'm very happy to (FINALLY) be getting the pay I deserve.

I will have a few things to work on to make it so they want to offer me the position permanently -- to prove myself, really -- but I've got 6 weeks to do that. Initially it can be hard to hear negative feedback, but it's all constructive and I truly don't have a problem receiving it. If I'm not told, I can't work on it.

Now just to get my PCP (Payroll Compliance Practitioner) designation sorted out. My course "officially" ended January 15, even though I had completed it before December 1. Sucky deal, I say. I have to wait up to six more weeks for my course mark to be updated with the CPA (Canadian Payroll Association) so that I can apply for my the PCP. Once that's taken place, I'll be able to start using the designation and decide if I want to go further and get my CPM (Certified Payroll Manager) designation too.

Between now and the end of February, I'm just going to keep working hard, being a professional, helpful, team-player. We'll see where it takes me... fingers crossed!

Now I can start planning that warm vacay :)

Hey it's a Thursday, let's have some pi: 3.141592653589793

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Short Note for the Weary

I'm exhausted, so this is going to be short.

I made it to a milestone of sorts today, or rather, an achievement: I weighed in at my lowest weight so far since joining TOPS in August 2010! I'm pretty happy about it. Of course I promptly celebrated with a Super Bean Burrito (yum) *smile*. I'd potentially like to lose about 5 more pounds, so my loss this past week really helps.

I have a meeting first thing in the morning with my director. It's to discuss my temporary promotion "and other matters". As I'm easily intimidated by higher-ups (are you surprised? This is something many people don't realize about me considering the confidence I often exude...) I'm a little nervous what that means. I do know that there are changes occurring in my department, so it's probably just about that. Unfortunately my head plays tricks and gives me all sorts of horrible thoughts like, maybe I won't get the TPHD now, or maybe I said something the wrong way to some employee and they complained about me, or... or... I don't know.

Either way, I'm really too tired to even think about it so I'm taking a muscle relaxant and going to bed. 'Nough said.

If you expected a piece of pi tonight, you're sorely mistaken. Pfffft!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Public Transit Conversations

I take the bus at least a few days each week. The #1 comes so close to my house, at two different stops, that I feel spoiled to just walk around the corner to get on. It's also cheap, so since a second car is not-so-cheap, taking the bus is just a smart idea. I've been doing so on and off since Paul got his license in December 2004. Sure, there can be some weirdos, oddballs, and kooks that also ride, but it helps the environment and my wallet!

Regina is not unlike any other city in terms of public transport. The bus is almost always 2 minutes late (at minimum), sometimes drivers don't realize you pulled the cord to get off at the next stop, and many passengers don't understand the basics of the system. I'm referring specifically to places the bus stops, regardless of if anyone planned to get off or on, a.k.a a "planned stop".

Going either east or west, my bus stops at three different locations downtown "as planned". The second/middle stop is timed, in that the bus stops there and, presuming it wasn't late, leaves after a few minutes at a certain time. As long as my transfer hasn't already left that stop, I always get off the #1 there and go to the #13 or the 7. Today the #7 was a tad earlier than the 13, so I got on it. They both stop next to my workplace, so both work. Except today, there were a few "characters" I got to listen to on the short ride. Here's what I recall:

Hooded Girl: (to the two sitting with her) "Look, there's my bus." (as she looks out the left side of the bus to the one next to us)
Old Woman: Yeah, I see it... (blah blah blah)
Hooded Girl: So, I need to get on it at the next stop (proceeds to pull cord)
Old Woman: No, this bus goes the same way as that one.
Hooded Girl: No it doesn't...(blah blah blah)
Old Woman: Yes, it does... (blah blah blah)
Hooded Girl: No, I need to get on that other one...(blah blah blah)
Old Woman: No, really, it does, you just have to walk to... (blah blah blah)
Hooded Girl: (shakes head) Okay okay, I see. I'll just stay on this one. (to Toque Girl) Go tell the bus driver he doesn't need to stop.
Toque Girl: walks up to the bus driver as he pulls over at planned stop #3. (Inaudible speech to driver, presumably about him not needing to stop now because of Hooded Girl's indecisiveness.) Walks back to the others. He's not very happy, you guys! The bus driver is not happy with you!

This is where I insert my own "LOL", because that's what I did, albeit quietly. You really had to be there to get the full effect, because it was obvious that Toque Girl had a learning disability (no, I'm not laughing at her disability!), and possibly Old Woman. It's just that they were they were so sincere about the bus stopping and Toque Girl really thought the bus driver was mad! Oh wow.

I don't want to say that it's common sense for them to know that the bus is going to stop there, regardless of Hooded Girl pulling the stop cord. HOWEVER, they do ride the bus, and I bet it's a daily affair, so you would think that they'd realize. I guess they don't.

Oh well, I will continue to ride the bus and hopefully will hear many more interesting conversations. Maybe I can start educating a few of them too...

I'm a tad full but... 3.14159265358979

Monday, January 16, 2012

Readers' Choice Topic: What a Load of Crap!

I want to thank my friend Jeremy for his lovely idea of what I could write about tonight. I'm sure he thought I'd never (no way, Jose!) write about what he considers "faux pas". But heck, why not? I mean, everybody poops, right?

So yeah, I'm writing about "Bowel Movements". Why is it so off-the-wall to talk about something like this, something that everyone -- and their dog -- do? What exactly is a bowel movement anyway?

A bowel movement is the last stop in the movement of food through your digestive tract. It is made of what is left after your digestive system (stomach, small intestine, and colon) absorbs nutrients and fluids from what you eat and drink.
Sometimes a bowel movement isn't normal. Diarrhea happens when stool passes through the large intestine too quickly. Constipation occurs when stool passes through the large intestine too slowly. Other abnormalities with bowel movements may be a sign of a digestive problem.

That's not gross, it's just the facts. My co-worker is the first person I've ever met to openly talk about things like this. I don't know why she does it, but I chalk it up to the fact that she simply "gets" that it's real life and there's no reason to hide it. Maybe if more people were openly talking about their "movements", they'd understand what's normal, or not-so-normal.

At home we talk about it, but it's more funny than anything. Sure it's still a little gross, but we don't have a real problem with it. I mean, it's not like I sit on the toilet with the door open or anything...

I think if everyone still had to use an outhouse to do their business, things would be different. I know for a fact that many families had dual-seats and they would use them at the same time. Now how's that for openness!

So, the next time you turn up your nose at a poopy conversation, think twice and remember that not only are you doing it, they are too!

Since I'd love some pi.. 3.1415926535897

Readers' Choice!

Okay blog readers, I need your help. I had lots of idea two weeks ago, but was stupid and didn't write them down. Now I'm all out of stuff to say so need your help!

Give me ideas -- whether it be a topic you'd like to hear my opinion on, or something you'd like me to just share -- by posting a comment on this post.

Thanks for your help, friends!

Pi today: 3.1415926535897

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Robbie Burns

Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) (also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet, Robden of Solway Firth, the Bard of Ayrshire and in Scotland as simply The Bard) was a Scottish poet and a lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide.

Burns Night, effectively a second national day, is celebrated on 25 January with Burns suppers around the world, and is still more widely observed than the official national day, St. Andrew's Day. The first Burns supper in The Mother Club in Greenock (Paul's hometown!) was held on what they thought was his birthday on 29 January 1802, but in 1803 they discovered from the Ayr parish records that the correct date was 25 January 1759. The format of Burns suppers has not changed since. The basic format starts with a general welcome and announcements, followed with the Selkirk Grace. After the grace, comes the piping and cutting of the haggis, where Burns' famous Address To a Haggis is read and the haggis is cut open. The event usually allows for people to start eating just after the haggis is presented. This is when the reading called the "immortal memory", an overview of Burns' life and work, is given; the event usually concludes with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.

We'll be attending the "113th Annual Son's of Scotland Robert Burns Dinner" on January 28th. Regina has a Scottish Society, thankfully, so we're happy to be able to get in touch with them and start attending their functions. The events are more for Paul, really, but I do get a kick out of them. I want him to be able to share stories with fellow Scots, and people that have something in common with him from his past. I take part because these people are quite interesting and really know how to have a good time.

The Bushwakker Brewpub is also having a Burns night on the 21st, so we may attend that as well. It will be more lively with a younger crowd, so it could be a fun time.

Interestingly, Paul doesn't like haggis. Not even a bit. I haven't actually eaten it, sorry to say. Maybe it's time, at this Burns supper, to take a wee bite. It can't be that bad... can it?

Either way, I'm thankful for the opportunities when both Paul and I are be able to take part in Scottish traditions. It makes his "home" feel much closer! We're looking forward to the next events also, like the Highland Games and Mosaic (similar to Brandon's Winter Festival) in May.
And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere!
and gie's a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught,
for auld lang syne.

***For all you non-Scots out there, you can still attend a Burns supper if you wish! They are quite fun!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Livin' La Vida Loca

It's that time of year again, when us Canadians start heading south for warm destinations in an attempt to get a break from winter's wrath. Since our trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico last January, we definitely are going to make an effort to get away once a year.

My co-worker -- a girl I work very closely with -- is currently in Varadero, Cuba for her brother's wedding. She did NOT pick the dates, which is tough in the work we do as it revolves around pay confirm deadlines twice per month. Luckily, I made it through last week and now she'll be back on Thursday, just in time to help me with the next pay confirm. I can tell you, however, that her being away in a tropical island is making me itch to for the end of February.

We haven't actually booked anything yet, but both Paul and I have scheduled two weeks off work for the time period we plan to be away. It's well known at my workplace that I AM going away, no matter what! The reason why we haven't booked yet is because we weren't able to budget this trip out. That's why we're waiting for my annual bonus, to be paid mid-February, just in time to book the trip. By then, we'll actually get a better deal anyway, so it's a win-win situation! We're both just really looking forward to getting away from it all for a bit. We'll only be gone a week wherever we decide to go, but will take the rest of the time off to just relax at home or maybe do a 2-day trip somewhere nearby.

The hardest part of taking two weeks off work is that someone else has to pick it up for me. Not to make me sound... special... but I do take care of a lot of things that people don't realize. I'll make sure I prepare my admins and managers so they know not to call in for less-than-emergent items, but there's still lots to be done. I struggle with that part a lot lately. Luckily, a major part of the busyness will be over in about a month, or will have at least slowed down, so it shouldn't be as bad.

Either way, work has to be done, so I'll do it, and I'll get through this next six weeks so we can go on a wonderful holiday in the warm, tropical sun. No pets allowed!

No pi today, I'm on a "diet".

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Fantasy World

Throughout high school I was friends with "J": a tall, obnoxious (in a good way), strange (also in a good way), fantasy book-reading, girl. I never really thought much about those books until a few years ago, when I also became interested in the fantastical worlds of elves and dwarves, princes and princesses, wizards and  warlocks, and fire-breathing dragons. The Lord of the Rings trilogy took my mind to a place I never thought I'd enjoy as much as I did -- and still do.

What is it about those alternate worlds and realities that takes me and others in? I guess it's like a breath of fresh air, so to speak, in that it's so different from our world that it takes us away for a few moments. I find myself believing I'm actually there, living the life of just another servant girl in a world far, far away.

Most recently I discovered George R. Martin's 5-book series, "A Song of Ice and Fire", beginning with book one: "Game of Thrones". I had heard it was made into a TV miniseries airing on HBO, but I was more interested in reading the books than watching the show. Now that I'm really getting into the book, I can't wait until I finish so I can transition over to the tv version. Lucky for me, a full-season download will be available by that time, so I'll get to immerse myself in it until it's done.

Interestingly, although my grade five teacher read us "The Hobbit", I have not yet read The Lord of the Rings. I'm a little concerned that I'll be disappointed so many parts were left out, as is the case for many books made into movies or TV. I literally LOVE the movies so much I don't want to ruin it for myself. With The Hobbit coming to theatres this December, I'll have to make it through the next 11 months immersed in Game of Thrones (and the two other books in the trilogy). 

I guess I've felt lately that the lives of others, whether in some off-the-wall TLC special or in a great fantasy novel, are simply more interesting than mine. I'm not interested in watching other "regular folk" traipse around fighting justice, or cheating on your ex-best friend's boyfriend, or hanging out dishing the dirt on the newest invention in rocket science. It's just all too "normal" for me lately.

So, I'll just stay in my own little world, knowing that winter is coming and that I better be careful of the direwolves...

My piece of pi today: 3.141592653589

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Casey and Me

Tonight, as I sit at my computer with a dog that wants to be played with by a daddy that's not home to do so at the moment, I figure it's no better time than any to talk about the little "mutt". Unfortunately, since Paul is working late, I have to break every few moments to throw her ball... one second...okay done. There are links in the text below, to pictures of Casey et al, so make sure you click on them!

Casey the Jack Russell Terrier (JRT), better known as "Casey J. Dog Nairn" in our house, and legally named Red Trail Casey, was born on March 28, 2010. She has two sisters and two brothers and is the largest (and craziest) of the litter. Her doggy mama is Red Trail Isis, and her doggy papa is Foxwillow Oakley.

Casey was a surprise 35th birthday gift for Paul. He had the choice of a few but picked her because she chose him; by chewing on his toes when they met. Paul grew up with JRTs, but I didn't grow up having any breed of dog whatsoever. It turns out that Casey has been quite the learning experience for me as a first-timer...

Casey's best traits are: loyalty, intelligence, good looks, speed, agility and, my personal favourite, cuddlebility. Her worst traits are: barking, strong will,  jealousy, and energy. I know, she's a Jack, what did I think she was gonna have, no energy?! I just didn't know what to extent she'd compare to the Energizer bunny. That's why she's "Paul's dog" when she wants to play, and "my dog" when she wants to snooze on the couch on a Saturday afternoon.

Casey's doggy papa is very talented in jumping. He wins competitions often and can jump very high for such a small dog. Casey's mama is more laid back. Guess who she takes after more? We've taken two agility courses, and are back for a second obedience course to learn how to "stay". Unfortunately she needs to learn that particular command before we can move on in agility. We plan to attend the Rainier Trial in Washington state this August, as long as everything works out. Her breeder-grandmas Robin and Suzanne will hopefully be there with all their JRTs as well. I think it will be fun as she'll get to hang out with other Jacks and compete in competitions. And I've already come up with a fun competition name for her: Kamikaze. Like it? I think it totally suits her personality.

Miss Casey J's favourite things to do are eat, play with her rubber balls (sometimes more than one at a time), go for walks, play with other dogs (no matter what size they are), kiss her kitty brother and sister and make them go nuts, bark at anything and everything that is outside the house, chew on raw bones, dig for buried treasure/dig to China (not sure which one it is sometimes!), and give her daddy and mommy kisses (mommy prefers wet willies though...). She hates being told "no", wearing her bark collar, and not getting to play with the dog across the street.

Casey is (mostly) a joy to have around. I struggle, however, with her routine when Paul's working late or, even worse, out of town for the night. Neither of us girls get much sleep when daddy isn't home. She is, after all, his baby girl. Paul always says she likes me more, but I just spoil her. I do love that when we get home together, she needs me to come outside with them before she'll do her business. Casey is a true part of the Nairn family, and I really don't know what we'd do without her.

I never thought I'd become a dog-person, but she quickly grew on me as a puppy, and now I know we'll someday get her a brother to play with. I feel bad that winters here are so cold and long, as we can't spend as much time outside or go to the dog park. Paul is a good playmate though, and I very much appreciate his willingness to spend lots of time throwing around her ball. The worst mistake you can make with Casey is to let her sleep in the evening before bed; a tired Jack = a happy, well-slept family. Thank God for stairs and rubber chewy balls!

Well, Paul called and he's on his way home, so both of us will be happy to see him. Casey's getting bored, and I just want some "alone time". I love her, but go I ever need a break from her sometimes!

Gosh, that face gets me every time.. she just came over with her little wrinkly head, her mouth full of rubber ball. Awwwwwwww. Gotta go!

Pi for the day: 3.14159265358

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How Lofty is That Goal?

Let's not say I'm  bad at making and reaching goals, let's just say I struggle. I actually don't even like the word goal. What is a goal, anyway?

Wikipedia defines it as: a desired result a (person) envisions, plans and commits to achieve—a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Sure, I've got those! Why do I have to put a name to it though?

In TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly... more to come on this topic in a future blog), goal-setting is both common and encouraged. I remember the first goal I set during a meeting; I wanted to lower my blood pressure. Unfortunately, you can't just say "I wanna do ... " whatever it is. Goals need to be SMART, that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Just saying I'm going to lower my blood pressure because I want to be healthy later in life doesn't cut it. However, it was my first goal-setting exercise and I've learned more since.

My second goal was to "exercise 30 minutes at a time on at least three days during the next week". I did make it through week one, but did NOT continue in the second. That goal simply wasn't, for me anyway, realistic. It's not that I couldn't physically attain it, I just didn't have the motivation to. It wasn't I felt strongly about achieving.

I really don't know why I can't verbally make goals and keep them. More often, I will end up achieving things just because I wanted to do them, not because I set some actual goal for myself. When I started my current job, I actually thought I'd have my CPM (Certified Payroll Manager) designation within 18 months. Seriously!? I would have had to complete one course every three months in order to do that, and it simply wasn't realistic to even think that might happen. Luckily, I'm more than happy with my current designation of PCP (Payroll Compliance Practitioner) that I got after taking three courses in a year. Now that wasn't so lofty, was it?

I'm by no means suggesting that goals are dumb, they just don't seem to work for me. It's like I psyche myself out just by having them. Once I've written it down, I get all nervous about it and work myself up so much I fail. That's why I like "vision boards".

A vision board looks like this:
I really like this one, actually, because it combines both words and pictures. Tonight at TOPS I shared my own personal vision board, on which many things contained have already happened.

The point is to go through magazines and cut out pictures and/or words that speak to you, that mean something, that inspire. They should be things that you aspire for phsyically, emotionally, and materially.

Regardless of what works for me, I have to remember not to beat myself up if I don't meet a so-called goal. If I truly wanted it, I'd get it. No matter how lofty, it may seem, anything is achievable with determination and perseverance. It's taken quite some time to realize that, but that's okay. I feel pretty good with the way things are going in my life and, with the help of my vision board, it can only keep on going.

Hungry for some pi? Try this one: 3.1415926535.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter: A Short Note

As I sit here at the table, I can hear the wind picking up. It's supposed to snow tonight and get quite cold, not unlike a "normal" January day.

What's with the weather lately? Regina broke the daytime high record yesterday, with 5.7 degrees. Previously, the same day in 1957 had the record, with 5.6 degrees. I hate to be the odd one but, I just want winter already! Sure, it snows in November-December, as if it's going to be winter and actually gets cold enough for the parka. Then it warms up and melts and creates a sheet of ice over everything. Then it snows again, a bit, then melts all over again. Snow, melt, snow, melt. What the deuce?!

This is only my second winter in Regina and the one thing I absolutely hate about this city is the traffic issues when it does snow. It will take up to 45 minutes to get home; a drive that typically takes only 15. I'm not really unhappy I don't have to deal with that right now, but this weather actually gives me more stress.

On the weekend I just wanted to take Casey out for a walk, but we didn't make it even a block away without wiping out on the sidewalk. We ended up taking the shortest walk ever that day. I came home quite upset about it, actually, because "my" season is winter and I can't even go out on a nice day with my dog to enjoy it. I don't normally experience the "winter blues" because I make the most of it. I like shoveling, and walking in the snow, and doing outdoorsy things like skating. This winter is different though. It's thrown of my balance completely and I'm getting a major itch for the white stuff.

Thankfully, God is sending some my way tonight so in the morning I should start feeling more happy. Until then, I'll just have to listen to the wind, and Casey, howl.

I'm too tired for pi. More tomorrow. I did memorize 3.141592653 though.

FYI: It's now Wednesday and...it did not snow last night. So much for the weather report.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

After work today, I had to make a stop to fill some prescriptions and grab a couple things for Paul. For the last few years we've always gone to WalMart for prescriptions, but that was really only because it was close to our home in Brandon and I could buy other necessities while waiting. That and I like to be able to phone in the refill with their automated service and go pick it up at a time I choose. Since moving to Regina, however, the WalMart is now further from home and it seems to take them forever to fill any Rx.

I've been really busy lately so I wasn't interested in waiting 30-40 minutes while hungry and tired after a long day at work, so I decided to go to Superstore instead. My theory was that they always seemed less busy and I'm there every week anyway. So, it's 5 pm and I'm standing there, the first in line, and some older woman is chatting up the lady at the counter. I guess they knew each other and were dishing the dirt. Who cares?! I didn't have an overly impressed look on my face, but it didn't seem to matter. I just stood there, tapping my toe, clearing a throat a few times to get some attention. Finally, the pharmacist that had been on the phone at the second counter was able to help me. "Thank you!", I proclaimed. That was soooo annoying. I had almost gone up to the counter to say to the two ladies, "excuse me but, are you finished here?" So, so tempted.

Anyway, I get the stuff setup since it's my first time there and all, and I'm told it will be about 25 minutes. I contemplate going home but decide instead to make the quick stop across the street for Paul's laces and work socks. I found what I needed, no thanks to the employees there. What is it about Mark's Work Warehouse? You almost have to pull teeth to get any assistance. Reminds me of Home Depot... Then at the till I wait for what seems like an eon for a young "rigger" to try and pay. Turns out there's a problem with his new chip Mastercard, so he puts the item on hold. The cashier couldn't be any slower though, seriously. Like, I'd rather have a tooth pulled than wait any longer today. I've almost had it. But, I get to pay for my stuff, put on a fake smile (it was appropriate, see my "Vrai ou Faux" blog), pretend I care that she "loves my sparkly, blue wallet and my cute purse" (OMG), and basically run outta there.

It's been about 20 minutes by this time, so might as well go back to Superstore. Lucky for me there was a sweet parking spot near the door. But...but... I get inside to the pharmacy and guess what? I have to WAIT!!! A couple of "coffin dodgers" were holding up the line doing who-knows-what. Again, just stood tapping my toe and trying not to look too frustrated. I finally got to go to the counter and lucky me, my Rx was ready to go. But...but... guess what? I had to speak to the pharmacist, and...and...guess what? He was busy! Again with the foot tapping, anxiously-waiting, pretending to read something........ a few minutes later, all is well and I hightail it outta there.

To top my excursion off, I had to wait at not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 sets of lights, all on one mile-long stretch. Go...stop. Go....stop. Go......stop. Go...........stop!

Okay, I finally made it home, with Paul starting dinner (thanks to a text I was able to send at one of those red lights), and I'm sitting here now. Whew.

I hate waiting. It's such a horrible waste of my time. Not only do I hate waiting, but I also hate making others wait. I try not to rush all the time, but if there's no reason to take it slow, then go! We spend an average of, get this, 2-3 years of our entire lives just waiting, whether it be in line at the store, or filling up our gas tank. That's sick! I feel like the precious few hours I have every evening needs to be spent writing my blog, or reading a good book, or playing with the dog, or talking to Paul.

Next time I have an errand like this to do, I'll either try to be more patient and just "get over it", or I'll plan it out better. I did attempt to plan ahead by calling the pharmacy this afternoon to see if they'd take a faxed copy of my Rx in advance. That was a no-go, and therefore so was my prepping.

Alas, we must wait. Tick-tock goes the clock, and all the years they fly...

I'm not hungry anymore after my delicious dinner, but here's some pi: 3.141592653

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Cat

Hi, my name is Buster Nairn. My mom suggested I take over her blog for the day and, since I'll basically do anything my mom wants, here I am!  I don't have opposable thumbs though, so it's going to be slow going. I can't guarantee how exciting this will be, but now that you've started reading, you'll probably continue on and read the rest. *wink*

My birthday is June 22 and I'm almost 5 years old. My favourite colour is grey, the colour of my fur. I don't get to see it, but that's what colour I've been told I am. I have a sister-cat, Missy. We're twins but she's super fluffy. I'm super sleek. Mom likes me that way. I stay much cleaner this way and Casey can't bite off clumps of my fur.

Oh yes, Casey, aka Evil Sister-Dog. I hoped and prayed, for a long time, that she'd go back to where she came from so I could have my house back, but she's still here. I do enjoy sometimes chasing her around, so I guess it's not all bad. I think she likes it when I do that too. She's soooo noisy though. And she gets to go outside. Hrumph. I want to go outside. :( Once Missy and I kinda escaped without mom noticing and we ended up being out there for like 5 minutes! I didn't go far, but mom was sure mad. I'm not allowed to do that anymore.

I have a nice seat by the window though: I have a pretty, striped towel to lie on, on top of the table and I get to see everything that goes on. Casey can't get me here, so I like it. A good view is important when you're short. I also have a few hiding places, like inside mom's closet. I figured out how to slide open the door so I can creep in and lie down. I like it in there because there's shaggy carpet. Everywhere else has this hard, cold, brown stuff on the floor so I like it in the closet. 

My potty is in the basement, but I like it down there because it's quiet and Casey can't get in. She tries to eat my poop anyway (ewwww, gross!) so daddy built a door for us to jump over. Hehe. When we first moved here, Missy was scared so I hung out with her in in the laundry room. We mostly relax upstairs now.

I like when Casey is locked up during the day when mom and dad are at work. She can't run after us, even if she wanted to! Not that I tease her in her crate because she's locked in, but I wouldn't write it down even if I did...

Eating is one my favourite things to do. Once mom bought some new, fancy, gourmet food that was all healthy and junk, but it tasted icky. I think she gave it to Casey instead. I like all the other stuff she buys me, especially the dry food with the meaty pockets, and of course the wet food. Yum yum in my tum! Sometimes I get a tasty Temptations treat, and I like to chase after them if mom tosses them on the floor. But if Casey is around watch out! She's a pig and tries to eat my food! Us cats get to eat on the counter 'cuz of Casey. Don't tell her but, sometimes I take a nibble of her food. Hehe. So does Missy. Hehe.

I like drinking out of the toilet tank. When daddy installed a new toilet for mom, she put the lid back on, but I got pretty upset about it. So, mom took it off so me and Missy could still have a drink. It's so cold and refreshing. I like water. Once I got sick because I didn't drink enough and I had to go see the doctor. She was a nice lady but she was pushing on my private parts and it hurt so bad! I got better though and I always drink water now.

When I was still a baby, me and Missy had to go to the doctor to get the snip snip. Daddy says I'm a "girly boy" now, but mom tells him to shut up and that I'm purrfect. She said I still have two little furry areas where my boy stuff used to be, so I'm still a boy. I never thought I wasn't so who is daddy to say that anyway? Sheesh. I love my mom.

Mom lets me cuddle with her at night. I snuggle into her and we go to sleep together. Sometimes I don't feel like cuddling though, so I lay on her feet. She gets kinda weird sometimes and makes me move though.  In the middle of the night after I've had something to eat and a potty break, I'll come back to bed and get attacked by Casey Evil-Dog.  She's such a...a...I'm not allowed to say it on here, mom said. Well, I hope you get my point...

I like to greet mom and dad at the door when they come home from work. I know how to tell time, so I'm always at the window when they get here.  Home-time means dinner, so I'm always happy to see them!

Well, there Casey goes again, barking at who-knows-what out the front window. It's time to clean myself again and have another nap anyway, so I'm signing off. Hope you enjoyed my blog today! Mom will be back tomorrow :)


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Into the Wild

After all basic Saturday chores were complete, I settled down to watch a movie with my favourite furry couch-mate, Casey. We own lots of movies, and the cable showed nothing of interest, so I picked out a title I'd only seen once but remember really enjoying. "Into the Wild" it was, starring Emile Hirsch. Munchies, movie, cuddles: what more could I ask for on a lazy afternoon?

As I've started to look more inward lately, this movie really struck a chord with me. The story goes like this: a young man graduates from a prestigious college in 1990 and embarks on a two-year exploration of self, leaving behind all things of worth, breaking all ties, and embarking on an adventure of a lifetime. Embracing the lifestyle of a modern-day American gypsy, he travels around the country meeting new people and creating new experiences while learning the information he needs to be able to spend some time in the Alaskan outback. "Alexander Supertramp's" much-awaited journey north becomes fatal after the river he once crossed becomes impassible and is forced to live off the land. Unfortunately the delirium had already started to set in as, even with the aid of a "wild plants for dummies" book, he mistook an inedible plant for an edible one. True story.

I can't imagine leaving behind everything I know, but I understand why he did it. He only went to college to satisfy his parents, but always knew there was more to life than just working for the man. Maybe what he did was extreme, but it made me realize that we really do need to take more time for ourselves and to enjoy what God has given us.

Not only did "Alex" experience nature, he met people along the way that he somehow influenced or made a mark on. In Northern California he brought a "rubber tramp" couple back together after their relationship had become torn, and in Arizona he so touched the heart of an old man that he nearly became an adopted grandson before heading to Alaska.

It makes me think of the people in my life and how I should pay more attention to how they affect me and what they can give me. Why were we put here anyway? To just live and work and have a family and then die? It all seems like a waste if we don't do something more of value with ourselves. Mr. Supertramp really makes me want to invest more time in things that mean a lot to me and to really be something.

If you haven't seen this movie, I highly suggest you do. I only saw it because I was on an Academy Award nominee kick a few years ago, and I was not at all disappointed.

All this pi has given me some indigestion, so I'm taking a few days off... still on 3.14159265.

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