Saturday, December 29, 2012

Un-birthday Party Surprise

I awoke this morning to, no, not the sound of a dog barking, or a cat meowing or attempting to get in a cuddle. No folks, I awoke to silence in my big, plush king sized bed at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Suites. Surprise! I decided to drive to Winnipeg by myself for a visit with my extended family and to attend Woeden's first birthday party. Unfortunately, I found out this morning that the little guy had come down with a cold and the party was postponed. I really wasn't sure what to do; I just knew that I didn't to make the long trip out here and not get to visit with my family.

Luckily, my cousin was happy to know that I was in this city and invited me over for a visit anyway. So after a little shopping and a lunch visit with my sister, we both headed over to the birthday boy's home for a little unbirthday party. Even though he was sick, I was happy to be able to visit with them and give him his birthday gifts.

For dinner I was even able to spend the time with the rest of that family over and nice meal and yet another visit. After all was said and done, at least I can say I got to see all my family here in Winnipeg that I really had wanted to see, and caught up with each of them.

Now it's my final night here and I'm hoping for a sound, solid sleep. I'm looking forward to going home to my animals. All four of them... Haha

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