Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Day

You know what's really great? The fact that my cute, super awesome new Google Nexus 7 tablet is voice enabled and allows me to blog simply by speaking. Sure, it makes the occasional mistake, however I still think it's really cool.

Boxing Day was fun. I slept in, ate, laid on the couch, had a nap, ate some more, and watched a movie. It really doesn't get much better than that does it? In the past, Paul and I have braved the retail outlets in search of Boxing Day deals. Since the temperature dropped so low these last few days, and I'm still getting over a cold, we decided just to hang out at home and save our money.

I'm so happy I have a few more days off and another weekend ahead before I have to go back to work. I really needed this time off, and clearly my body agreed. I especially like not having to get up really early or go to bed early so that I can get up early. Paul is going into work tomorrow and Friday but because he works for himself and doesn't get any paid vacation days, it's okay with me. I'm pretty sure Casey and the cats have also enjoyed us staying at home with them.

Tomorrow will be a clean-up-the-house day and I'll buy some groceries to restock the fridge. I can't imagine I'll sleep in quite as late, but you never know. Christmas may be over but at least we can say that we really enjoyed ourselves and were able to relax and rejuvenate.

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