Sunday, December 2, 2012

Odd -- and Frustrating -- Winter Weather

This stupid weather is really getting on my nerves. One day it's -25, then a few days later it's raining. Literally! Right now it's +2 and raining. I checked the forecast for the week and seriously wonder what God is thinking... Tuesday high of -13, Wednesday high of 0, Thursday high of -13. If that actually happens.... I don't know. I'm just shaking my head.

The worst part, obviously, is the rain. I can get over tons of snow falling, but if it just rains on top of the snow then freezes, it sure makes things much more treacherous for getting around the city. And slow. The city's lights aren't timed properly as it is, so add in icy streets and you have a very long drive home.

At least the city has been pretty good about plowing the streets. They do need to get more sand out on the ice, but they're doing alright overall. If the weather would just stay cold so rain didn't happen, it would all be so much better. And less dangerous.

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