Saturday, December 8, 2012

Un Belle Visite au Brandon

Saturday was a Brandon kind of day! The weather presented a perfect winter day, complete with barely a breeze and crisp, cold air. The roads were dry and mostly bare, and I made excellent time, arriving within a few minutes of my expected arrival.

I enjoyed a nice visit with my parents, some yummy food (I need to make that soup now myself...), and even got to hang out with my furry siblings for a bit. They obviously missed me because they gratefully accepted my raw food donation and belly rubs.

The day was only sweetened by an excellent showing of Calvary Temple's Singing Christmas Tree and a delightful visit over appetizers with some old friends. I was very tired after the fun-filled day, but enjoyed all of it.

I'm looking forward to another visit to B-town in a few weeks and hope that the roads and weather are just as stupendous.

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