Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today is 12/12/12! Can you believe it? If you're at least thirteen years old, you've now lived through a full set of "triple dates"; from 01/01/01 until now. For many of us, this will never happen again in our lifetime as the next time one occurs is in 88 years.

I was interested to know what happened on the last 12/12/12 (in 1912), but was then disappointed to find out that NOTHING of interest occurred. Henry Armstrong, future boxer, was born, and Lutipold, the Prince Regent of Bavaria, died. Not only do I know know who either of those gentleman are or were, but I don't really care! I know, 12/12/1912 was just like any other day in history, but that's what's wrong with it. I say that if it's a special date, something MUST happen, like it's fate.

I hope that something cool happened today so that in 100 years someone will be able to write a blog about it. Maybe they'll even Google "blogs from 12/12/2012" and mine will appear. Now THAT would be a historically-interesting event!

P.S. Happy Anniversary to my Grandparents!

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